
Spending all of your time at work is draining you of valuable emotional resources. Your loved ones feel neglected, and you've got to remedy the situation. Unfortunately, you're not particularly inclined to do so. You get a lot more satisfaction from work than you do from home. This could be because you use totally different skill sets in each arena. It's time to cultivate your nurturing side. Contrary to what you might think, it really does exist. Reach out to a needy relative.

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Bite your tongue when dealing with an inquisitive authority figure. It's so tempting to give sarcastic responses to their probing questions. However, you will need the support of this august figure in a few months' time. By keeping your bridges intact, you'll save yourself a world of trouble. Getting involved in a romantic intrigue could cut you off from bigger and better opportunities. As boring as it sounds, you need to protect your honour. Steer clear of a bold seducer.

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Be discriminate about handing out money. A lavish display could make you a target for theft. It may be time to examine your motives for being so generous with your resources. Are you trying to buy people's loyalty? Do you feel ashamed of your money? There are better ways to bolster your self esteem. A female friend's backhanded compliments are starting to wear on your nerves. Go ahead and confront her or your friendship will be torn apart by resentment.

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You're so used to deferring to others, it comes as a shock when you make a selfish display. Still, you've got to be careful with a prospective business or romantic partner. Overstepping your boundaries with them could destroy any chances for a future alliance. An authority figure may not be as forgiving as you initially thought. Be prepared to pay for a mistake. It looks as though this woman will try to take her pound of flesh. Steer clear of her if you can.

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Resist the urge to do something nasty to a work rival. Your actions will come back to haunt you. As much as it pains you to do so, you've got to take the high road. Wanting revenge is totally understandable. Still, you wouldn't want your reputation to suffer as a result of some underhanded deed. It's hard to be charming to a love interest. You're not in the mood to flirt. Try not to feed your anger with junk food and alcohol.

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It's tempting to challenge the status quo, but this isn't the right time to do so. Turn a deaf ear to angry friends who want you to start the ball rolling. A tempting sexual alliance is more trouble than it's worth. Although you are deeply attracted to your love interest's bold attentions, you'll soon find this character is all brawn and no brains. You need someone who can engage your mind, as well as your body. Stay patient. Someone better will soon arrive.

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Stirring up trouble on the work front is a serious mistake. While you may not agree with your employer's actions, you need to remain silent. You can always find another position, provided you protect your reputation as a reliable and loyal worker. Your love life could hit a rough patch. Someone you once admired seems totally self obsessed. You need a lover who is more attentive. Prospects will be better in a month's time. Sit tight and wait for better things.

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Getting in an argument about religion or politics could put you in a very bad position. Right now, you need to be amassing friends, not enemies. Keep silent when a conversation turns down a dangerous path. Your restraint will pay off sooner than you think. Yes, it's frustrating to deal with people who are so wrong headed, but that doesn't change the fact they can help you. A high minded colleague might call you a hypocrite. Turn a deaf ear. She is equally guilty.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Battling over a love interest may seem exciting at first, but will quickly lose its charm. Ultimately, you need to know where you stand. If someone keeps toying with your affections, you're better off alone. You're too honest to enjoy these kinds of games. Before you let your anger consume you, consider whether this turn of events is retribution for the way you treated someone from your past. You have to admit, you've never been the most constant lover.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Legal conflicts have a way of disrupting your personal life. It's hard to relax and make plans when there's so much hanging in limbo. Settling out of court may be the best option. If that's not possible, try to live in the moment. Take up a spiritual practice like prayer or meditation or stress could take a serious toll on your health. Domestic life could be disrupted by an angry relative or roommate. You can't sweep these issues under the rug any longer.

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Be sure to take safety precautions, as dangers abound in that arena. It's also important to watch your temper while driving. The last thing you need is an accident. Last but not least, steer clear of quarrelsome neighbours and siblings. It's easy to give offence to these ultra sensitive characters. Basically, this tense day demands gentle words and cautious actions. Although you've never shied from controversy, there's a difference between having fun and courting trouble. Pouring gasoline on a raging fire is just stupid.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Getting drawn into a romantic rivalry is a mistake. Summon your dignity and walk away. If this means leaving a wayward lover behind, so be it. There are other fish in the sea. A child could get in trouble at school. You can't afford to let their wild behaviour to go unchecked. It's time to assert your authority, even if you hate doing so. Consider what will happen, what disasters could occur if you continue to give this youngster free rein.

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