
Instead of plotting revenge, concentrate on moving forward. Why waste valuable time and energy on someone who is not worthy of it? If someone has taken money or property from you, write off the loss. You can always generate more resources. Even if you've lost something of sentimental value, nothing can take away your memories. It's hard to overcome the injustice of this matter, but try. An opportunity to achieve financial stability is right around the corner, provided you watch for it.

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Stop pressurising a loved one. The two of you have different priorities. If you continue to press your agenda, resentment will set in. Accept the fact your friend is a free agent and move on. The moment you take the pressure off, your relationship will improve. Are you dealing with a romantic partner who refuses to find work? It may be best to separate, at least temporarily. You shouldn't be expected to carry the load for you both, especially if you're struggling to pay the bills.

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Perfectionist tendencies are grating on your colleagues. Given time and salary constraints, your expectations are unrealistic. Instead of tightening the screws, look for opportunities to support your fellow workers. Several people on your team could be experiencing tremendous pressure in their personal lives. If you make them feel more appreciated, they'll be more forthcoming. It's easier to work well when you can see the full picture. Resist the urge to go on a fad diet.

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If you're burned out from responsibility, make fun a bigger priority. Nobody can make you slow down; you have to do it yourself. Taking a break or going on a sabbatical will restore your high spirits. Changing course could also put you on the path to romance. It's hard to attract love when you're constantly working. Be patient if a youngster is looking tired and troubled. Find activities and interests that appeal to them. This will bolster their confidence and give them a boost.

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You are hypersensitive, bristling at even the most innocent remarks. Before flying off the handle at jokes, take a few moments to breathe. Realise that all this drama is self created. If you want to feel better, turn your attention to a creative project. Anything that lifts your heart and mind will improve your mood. Relationships will get better, too. Instead of fighting with your loved ones, you'll seek ways to support them. Whenever you start taking yourself too seriously, find ways to help others. It's a great cure.

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A negative outlook is driving good fortune from your door. Avoid getting drawn into gossip filled conversations. This will only drag you deeper into the mire. At times like these, it helps to listen to uplifting music and watch cheerful movies. Stay away from pessimists and be kind to yourself. Get into the habit of giving praise where praise is due. Eventually, you'll become more cheerful and fresh opportunities will come your way. You have more control over your destiny than you think.

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Don't place too much emphasis on material goods. Luxury items make life more pleasant, but they are no substitute for loving relationships. If money is getting in the way of a close bond, it's time to address the matter. A friend may not be able to repay a generous loan. You'll either have to forgive the debt or break ties altogether. Let this be a lesson about mixing finance with friendship. If you want to lend financial assistance, give money as gifts, rather than extending loans.

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Don't get defensive when challenged. Being able to accept criticism in a calm, cool manner will boost your professional reputation. People in your position are bound to be the subject of intense scrutiny. This doesn't sit well with your love of privacy, but it can't be helped. If a close relationship is showing signs of strain, stop blaming yourself. It takes two to tango. Until your partner is willing to give as much as they receive, your union will continue to need work.

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Beware of indulging in self pity. While it's true you've experienced a string of disappointments, that's no reason to throw in the towel. You can find a good job if you maintain a positive attitude. Continue to apply for work. Volunteer at a non-profit organisation as a means to get a paid position. Get training in your desired industry. Do whatever it takes to get out of this rut. If you have a job you enjoy, take better care of your health. Taking regular exercise will boost your productivity.

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You could be accused of emotional insensitivity. No matter how hard you try, it will be impossible to summon sympathy for a certain friend. Although it is sad they are always in trouble, you think they have created their own problems. You're probably right, but it won't be easy convincing others. It's better to keep silent on the issue. If someone confronts you about your cold, uncaring attitude, don't get defensive. Simply state you have your reasons for withholding assistance.

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Abusing your position will backfire. Instead of queue jumping, demanding discounts and expecting special treatment, obey the rules. Don't give people ammunition for denouncing you. These days, it's easy to resent those who have power. By insisting on being treated like everyone else, you'll maintain a strong position. Are you looking for a job? Don't expect a loved one to give you a position at their company. It's better to get a position on the basis of your talent, not your friendships.

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Do not impose your religious or political views on others. While it's admirable you want to make the world a better place, you will not achieve this goal by pestering people. If you want to promote charity and kindness, you should lead by example. Donate time and money to a charitable cause. Be compassionate towards the most vulnerable members of society. Defend the interests of the underdog. People will be more likely to examine your beliefs if you behave in an admirable fashion.

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