
Trust your intuition; it is right on target. This is a wonderful time to pursue your dream career. Stop telling yourself it's impractical to seek a position in the arts. Someone with your bold vision could thrive in a creative industry. Working for a charitable organisation could also be profitable, both emotionally and, in its own way, financially. Expand your vision and be willing to change your ideas of what is possible. If you can conceive it, you can achieve it.

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Surrounding yourself with people who share your spiritual beliefs is comforting. When you're struggling with worldly problems you can always turn to these friends for guidance. They'll be happy to remind you what makes life meaningful. It can be difficult going through life being told to strive for things that don't bring much happiness. That's why you must create a social circle that can keep you on track. The happiness you seek can't be found online or at a store. It comes from meaningful connections.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You're eager to have a career that draws on your creative abilities. Doing the same thing day after day dulls your imagination. It's much better for you to perform work that requires you to think outside the box. Opportunities involving film, fashion and photography may be especially rewarding. If you get a chance to work behind the scenes for a prominent artist, grab it. You won't get fame or acclaim for these duties, but you will acquire valuable experience.

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An opportunity to explore a glamorous city will fall into your lap. Although you dearly love the comforts of home, it's important to expand your horizons. Seize this chance to experience different kinds of food, sensibilities and ways of life. It's possible you will develop a deep love affair with this destination. Visiting this spot each year could become a tradition. If you're looking for love, you could find it with someone who lives in this magical spot.

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Let down your defences with a trustworthy friend or romantic partner. Keeping your problems to yourself is creating health problems. The moment you discuss your feelings, you'll feel tremendous physical relief. It's possible you have been yearning to move to a new place. Leaving a difficult domestic situation behind will involve an initial wrench. After taking the first step, you'll be able to create a much happier existence. Look for a place in a secluded neighbourhood; you'll enjoy the privacy.

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Working with a partner will be rewarding. You're afraid to take a creative approach to a project. After talking with your collaborator, you'll gain the courage to carry out your vision. You've been blessed with impressive artistic gifts. Developing them has been challenging, since you're also highly practical. Stop insisting you are wasting time when painting, writing, playing music and developing designs. Such activities are incredibly valuable and should be enjoyed regularly. With the help of your friend, you will make this change.

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Practicing relaxation techniques will greatly benefit your health. When you feel aches and pains, stop what you're doing. Breathe deep and close your eyes. Imagine a peaceful scene. Within minutes, your equilibrium will be restored. It also helps to do stretching exercises each day, as anxiety gets stored in the tissues. Gentle movements help release pent up tension. Never underestimate in the importance of the mind-body connection. A diet that is mainly comprised of lean protein, fresh produce and whole grain can also make you look and feel much better.

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Finding a creative outlet is critical for your health and happiness. Take the focus off work and concentrate on art instead. Writing in a diary each morning, making a quick sketch on your lunch hour or working with clay after work are all good possibilities. The more you exercise your imagination, the easier it will be to attract love. If you're in a relationship, your amour will develop a renewed interest in you. Are you single? You'll meet someone who wants to build a life with you.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Practice self-care. Instead of waiting for someone to meet your needs, do kind things for yourself on a regular basis. This can include anything from getting a massage to taking an afternoon nap to going for a walk in the park. Start taking note of activities that give you joy. Filling your life with these pursuits will fill the sense of longing that has been dogging you. Don't be surprised when your relationships undergo a radical improvement after putting yourself first.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You'll get enthusiastic feedback on a proposal. You're excited to discover that others share your enthusiasm for this idea. Launching a blog, making a film or writing a screenplay are among the possibilities. Spending a little time each day on this work will give you a new lease of life. Suddenly, tasks that you once dreaded will become effortless. You'll also work better with people who previously got under your skin. Creative fulfilment makes it much easier to cope with stress.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Don't get too wrapped up in material concerns when making an important decision. When you do what you love, the money will follow. Moving to a place that fills you with happiness is more important than holding on to a steady job that makes you miserable. Similarly, leaving a lucrative field to start your own business is a good move. Have you been thinking of downsizing your lifestyle? Go for it. Leading a simpler existence will relieve tremendous stress.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You are getting some wonderful psychic downloads. If you are filled with the desire to move in another direction, go for it. Take up a course of study that seems more like play than work. You'll enjoy studying with a teacher who shares your mystical view of the universe. With their help, you can shed beliefs that no longer serve you. Cultivating a way of life that reflects your values will give you an attractive glow that is impossible to resist. Claim your authenticity.

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