
Your needs are different from those of friends and family. Loved ones will try to discourage you from taking a certain path. Express gratitude for their advice and then go your own way. You have an opportunity to lead an unconventional life. It will be such a relief to escape the rat race. Although your lifestyle won't be very stable, it will be stimulating. You're the type who thrives on excitement. Getting bogged down in boring routines will drive good fortune from your door.

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You feel overwhelmed on the professional front. Ask your boss for additional support. Although you're very capable, you simply can't do the work of several people. If you're offered a raise or promotion, accept it, but maintain your need for more staff. Your employer should be happy about their expanding business. Although change isn't easy for anyone, it's an essential part of the growth process. Presiding over a new division will be an exciting challenge that you'll handle easily.

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You're worried about venturing into unknown territory. Just because you are adaptable doesn't mean you welcome change in every situation. Being thrust into a different culture will be bewildering. Often, it will feel like you're wandering in the dark. Reach out to a compassionate person who will show you the ropes. At times, people will laugh at your innocence. Instead of getting defensive, enter into the joke. Your refusal to take yourself seriously will earn lots of respect.

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Why are you worrying about taking a wee risk or two? A homebody like you sometimes has difficulty trying new things. You prefer comfortable routines. Sticking to the tried and tested will cause you to miss important growth opportunities. Don't make that mistake when it comes to love. When you meet someone who makes your pulse pound, pursue the relationship. Going after the person you want will be empowering. Do you already have a partner? Steer your relationship into passionate waters.

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Normally, you have no problem attracting attention. That won't be the case with an aloof newcomer. They're not impressed by your larger than life personality. To get in their good graces, you'll have to put your impressive creative talent on display. You're very gifted. Once the object of your affection realises how imaginative you are, they'll follow you like a puppy. If you're already in a serious relationship, don't pretend to be available. Such a deception will cause deep resentment.

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You're moving out of a difficult situation but are still reeling from stress. Slow down and take some deep breaths. Withdrawing from public life will give you a chance to reconnect with your spiritual side. You'll see it's no longer necessary to pursue money, status and fame. Spending time on activities that make life meaningful will be more rewarding. Create a schedule that includes activities like gardening, reading and playing with pets. Superficial friendships will slowly fall by the wayside.

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Try not to be possessive of a new boyfriend or girlfriend. Giving your amour their freedom will pave the way for an enduring bond that will last a lifetime. You don't have to sit around twiddling your thumbs while your partner seeks stimulation elsewhere. Seize this opportunity to develop your creative talent. Studying with a talented teacher will make you reach heights you never dreamed possible. You'll radiate confidence. At that point, several admirers will fight for your affection.

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Spending time at home will be a welcome change of pace. Recently, you've been incredibly busy. Running errands, meeting deadlines and waiting on needy people has drained your energy. Now your schedule is starting to calm down, you'll be able to recharge your batteries. Make your home as comfortable as possible. Stock the pantry, clear out the clutter and put fresh sheets on the bed. Being able to sleep in clean, orderly surroundings will allow you to wake up refreshed and energised.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Someone who is close to your heart will show their true colours. This revelation will be upsetting and shocking. You've always prided yourself on being a good judge of character. When a manipulative individual slips beneath your radar, it's unnerving. Give yourself time to grieve this relationship. Don't pressure yourself to fill the void. Enjoying solitary pursuits will be therapeutic. Catch up on your reading, watch challenging movies and explore new musical trends.

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Don't be afraid of broaching a difficult subject with your business or romantic partner. An honest exchange will strengthen your bond, not weaken it. You're worried about getting caught in a rut. Striking in another direction will bring new life to your union. It will also prompt you to perform duties that your friend usually handles. Switching roles will give you a new appreciation for each other's contributions. It will also make you more confident about handling challenges in other areas of life.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're eager to get started on a new project. Although the learning curve will be steep, you'll enjoy studying hard and working overtime. Both your superiors and peers will be impressed by your intensity. They'll do everything in their power to help you. This loyal following will strengthen your position. When you're respected at every level of the organisation, barriers magically dissolve. You'll be given chances few other beginners enjoy. Keep working your magic and pushing past boundaries.

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You have to bring order to chaos. Although you don't like imposing order, it's the only way any work will get done. Get ready to confront someone who is wasting valuable time with their irresponsible behaviour. Normally, you prefer keeping a low profile. That won't be possible now, when people are looking to you for direction. Make some difficult decisions and stand by your choices. You can always change course later, when fresh opportunities become available.

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