
You must step on a few toes to get what you want. It isn't possible to compromise with someone whose expectations are directly opposed to yours. Be willing to challenge someone whose ideas are ill conceived. You have a much better game plan. Unfortunately, you're not as adept as massaging egos as your rival is. Instead of playing games, be direct. Give a detailed critique of the other proposal and then pitch your idea. Back up your assertion with facts and figures.

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It will be difficult to make progress because of constant distractions. Factor in extra time to complete an assignment. If you still fail to reach a deadline, don't panic. Simply ask for extra time. A client or customer may be irritated by the delay, but they'll appreciate your honesty. Let this be a lesson about setting future timetables. You can usually produce a great deal of work when conditions are optimal. It's always wise to factor in some wiggle room in case of emergencies.

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A romantic rivalry isn't worth your time. You should be loved on the basis of who you are, not by your financial holdings. If the object of your affection is indifferent to your wit, charm and intelligence, move on. Are you already in a relationship? Don't argue over money. Just because you value different things does not mean you are incompatible. You're wonderfully flexible. Take this opportunity to propose a compromise between spending and saving. Don't point fingers or make value judgments.

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You long to rest and relax, but there simply isn't time. Family matters demand your attention. Whether you're making school arrangements or looking at assisted living facilities, you must come to a quick decision. The longer this matter drags out, the more money it will cost. Besides, the people affected need to prepare for a new way of life. Until a plan is made, they'll be living in limbo. Nothing is more stressful than staring into a black void.

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Just because you are bored doesn't give you license to walk away from an important job. Stick things out until the bitter end. If you don't dwell on your restless feelings, they won't consume you. Make it your mission to cross the finish line as quickly as possible. At that point, you can strike in a new direction. It's important to have something to show for all the time, money and energy you've poured into this project. Take care not to get a reputation for being a quitter.

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It's difficult to express your emotion when money is at stake. You may not agree with your employer's decision, but you're not getting paid to voice your opinion. Completing work that's unfulfilling may not be great, but it pays the bills. Find an outlet for your creativity and you'll have an arena where you can call the shots. Look around and you'll find interests and involvements that will fire your enthusiasm and make work feel less frustrating and important.

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You'll have to cancel fun plans to accommodate an emergency. This creates disappointment, but it can't be helped. Your reputation is on the line. If people see you shirking responsibility, they will no longer trust you. It's important to demonstrate you can be relied upon no matter what circumstances arise. There will be opportunities to go away and relax. Grateful colleagues will be happy to cover for you. That's because they will remember when you came to their rescue.

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It won't be possible to assert your needs. You'll have to attend to background tasks while a superstar basks in the spotlight. Although you resent being ignored, your hard work is not in vain. The executive you are serving is impressed by your diligence. You will be rewarded with a plum assignment as thanks for your contributions. Finding an outlet for your frustrations is critical. Take some brisk exercise or make a long entry into your diary. It's not healthy to stew in your own juices.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're tempted to shake up the status quo with outrageous behaviour. Projecting an air of maturity will help maintain a safety net for vulnerable members of the team. Always remember that others are affected by your actions. Let the powers that be know you can be trusted with important responsibilities. Once you've established yourself as a reliable and capable worker, you'll pave the way for future success. Don't make any luxury purchases. It's time to conserve resources.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Your ambition is undermining an intimate relationship. If you want a union to work, you should be present for your partner. Stop cancelling dinners and shirking domestic duties. By demonstrating an emotional investment in your personal life, professional problems will seem less compelling. You have all the talent and diligence necessary to land an important position. It will be very lonely at the top without a best friend or lover's support. Keep the long term future in view at all times.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You long to take a break and expand your horizons. Unfortunately, it's not possible at this time. There are daily responsibilities that require your attention. If you let these jobs fall through the cracks, you'll be letting down colleagues. Making enemies of these people will be a grave mistake. You'll need their help when you're overwhelmed. Focus on crossing items off your list of things to do. Before you know it, you will have completed all these assignments.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Beware of using manipulation to get what you want. You may reach your immediate goal, but you will also create resentment. It's better to state your needs in a forthright fashion. Don't worry about sounding selfish. You should be more anxious about appearing devious. The help you want can be found if you look for a backer. Stop letting past failures poison expectations for the future. Things will improve. It's a matter of sharing your needs, honestly and openly.

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