
Trust your instincts about a romantic matter. Going away on a long trip will put a strain on a loving relationship. You should spend more quality time with your partner. You've always been restless. Creating more stability in your personal life will make it easier to appreciate the many blessings you currently enjoy. Instead of wishing for what you don't have, start counting your blessings. Instead of looking for distractions outside the home, you're happy to stay in with your nearest and dearest.

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You are not alone. A financial shortage makes you feel isolated and alienated. Instead of dwelling on these emotions, reach out for help. Talk honestly about your economic situation to a compassionate friend. They'll affirm everything you are experiencing. Hearing that others are undergoing similar struggles will make you breathe a sigh of relief. Your personal worth has nothing to do with your bank balance. Millions of people are having similar difficulties; it's not a personal failing.

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Work is driving a wedge between you and a loved one. You're tired of feeling guilty about trying to get ahead. Striking a better balance between your personal and professional lives is key. It's important for your romantic partner or best friend to know you are ambitious. This means there will be times when you will focus most of your energy on getting ahead. During these times, it's important for your loved one to keep busy with their own interests.

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Don't discuss cultural or religious differences at work. It's important to maintain an atmosphere of friendly respect. An offhand comment could be taken the wrong way, causing hurt feelings. It's better to stick to subjects you can discuss without feeling self-conscious. You will discover you enjoy the same music, movies or books as a colleague from another country. It's even possible you'll be inspired to travel to their homeland. Ask for recommendations on what to do and see.

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Your lavish tastes are causing problems. Instead of shopping until you drop, turn your focus to the luxuries you currently possess. You could develop a newfound affection for something you haven't worn or used for a long time. Buying things doesn't give long term satisfaction. If you want to cultivate a profound sense of contentment, develop your artistic skills. Creative and artistic pastimes will give you much more pleasure than purchasing more stuff you don't really need.

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A close relationship is healing some old wounds. One of your relatives is threatened by this friendship. They're always making snide remarks about your loved one. The sooner you nip this problem in the bud, the better. Make it clear where your loyalty is. You should be much more devoted to someone who makes you feel great than a person who is always trying to control you. Don't let misguided respect for blood ties cause you to turn your back on a caring person.

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Don't be afraid to admit you have bitten off more than you can chew. If you need help meeting a deadline, ask for it. You'll be surprised who comes forward to help. Someone who had a patronising attitude will offer their assistance. They'll respect your humble attitude and grow to admire your sharp intelligence. Your polished appearance can cause people to write you off as shallow. Once they get to know the real you, they'll change their opinion.

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Trying to buy someone's affection will backfire. If you want to make a good impression, just be yourself. You've been passionate about your interests. Talking about your favourite subject gives you an attractive glow that is hard to resist. If you still can't make a connection with someone special, don't double your efforts. Instead, focus on forming friendships with those who aren't intimidated by your intense energy. Relationships based on authentic affection are more precious than gold.

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Your family isn't giving you much support to pursue a dream. Instead of waiting for their approval, obey your instincts instead. If you're able to support yourself while working towards a goal, you'll earn their respect. You've always been an adventurer. Leading a conventional life has no appeal for you; so you will often be found doing things that seem silly to run of the mill types. It could be worse. You could be pouring all your energy into a charmless and dull lifestyle.

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It's been difficult to express yourself. You're afraid of offending someone whose ideas are different from yours. Discuss the problem with people you respect. They'll give you honest feedback. Some of your suggestions should be presented in another light. Others have to be altered to include more people. Be open to constructive criticism. The more sensitive you are to the needs of your audience, the greater your success will be. Variety really is the spice of life.

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This isn't a good time to lend money to a friend. Someone who has been irresponsible with their finances isn't likely to repay you. If you want to offer practical assistance, you can give a gift card they can use to cover basic expenses. Treat any resources you give as a present, rather than a loan. That way, resentment won't undermine your relationship. You do have a chance to earn a good salary at a charitable or cultural organisation. Don't feel guilty about your success.

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Work demands won't give you much time for spiritual pursuits. Resist the temptation to slack off when the pressure builds. By delivering an impressive project in a timely fashion, you'll pave the way for a promotion. Your progress is being monitored and assessed. By showing you are both talented and hardworking, you'll win their confidence. There will be plenty of time to rest and relax later, when your work is finished. Call in a few favours if you are a job seeker. A friend might be able to help.

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