
Recently, you've been anxious to make lots of changes. Now you are starting to see the results of all these alterations, you're not so sure you want to go through such a radical transformation. Adopt a 'wait and see' attitude towards a certain plan you haven't yet launched. You need a chance to adapt to your new situation. If, in a few months, you're still intent on making further changes, you can go ahead and break more ground. For now, take time to catch your breath.

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Eccentricities will die down for a while, allowing you to rejoin the mainstream for a brief period. You'll never be a diehard traditionalist again, but you will become more comfortable with the status quo. This is a good opportunity to get help for a deep seated problem that has been interfering with your private life. If you're not aware of any such compulsions, you may decide to seek guidance for a stubborn phobia. Your subconscious is a powerful tool for healing.

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Group endeavours will seem less important now, when you're able to strike out on your own. Once you're able to act as your own advocate, you will realise how much you sublimated your identity for the sake of an organisation. This will be a valuable lesson. There is definitely strength in numbers, but you can never sacrifice your beliefs for the sake of fitting in. A friend who has been behaving erratically will finally find peace, which makes your life easier, too.

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An oppressive authority figure will lose its influence over you, which comes as a huge relief. Your boss might go away on sick leave, or you might be reassigned to a different office. A public official could step down, or you will be assigned another caseworker. Whatever the change, it will give you a chance to be more independent. You might even decide to open a company and become your own boss, or run against the person who once made your life miserable.

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You will feel more focused about your direction in life. Recently, you felt as if you had too many choices. Now you're starting to divine a path, based on your dreams and convictions. Before, you thought you had to make a dramatic overhaul. Now you realise just a few small adjustments are all that is necessary to find happiness. These can include learning how to use machinery or cutting edge technologies. In this economy, knowledge is power.

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Your love life won't be as dynamic as it was, and that's probably a good thing. It will be a relief to let your sheets cool off for a while, at least for the next few months. Someone who has captivated your imagination will start losing your influence over you. Uncertainties about your financial situation will evaporate, and you'll be able to create some long term security for yourself. Put away as much money as you can into savings, so you can remain independent.

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An intimate relationship starts to settle down, giving you much needed breathing room. You'll be able to set the terms for this union a little bit more, instead of following your partner's lead all the time. If you're single, you won't be as picky about dating as you have been in the past. You'll be more open to dating people who are a lot different from you. It will also be easier to overlook your admirers' eccentricities.

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The course of your daily life is about to become a lot calmer. You won't have to change course with very little notice. Take this opportunity to attend to your health. Establishing some therapeutic routines will be very soothing. Schedule a weekly massage, go for a walk every day, and establishing a soothing bedtime ritual. This will combat some of the effects of stress you've experienced, and help you deal with anxiety in a more productive way.

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Romance has created tremendous highs and lows in recent months. At long last, an intimate relationship is experiencing a greater measure of stability. You no longer feel as if you're walking on eggshells. It's possible the two of you will decide to separate, at least temporarily. This will give you a chance to decide what you really want from your lover. If you're single, you'll enjoy the experience more, and savour your freedom to the fullest.

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Your personal life has been rife with drama, but fortunately, things are starting to calm down. You'll be able to stay in one place, at least for the short term future. It's possible an argumentative relative will go away or get treatment for any issues they may have. Whatever the change of circumstances, they will be beneficial. You're also coming to terms with a toxic situation from your childhood. It's impossible to change the past, but you can use it as a catalyst to bigger and better things.

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Lately, your mind has been racing with plans, and your schedule has been packed with activities. Now you have a chance to slow down and smell the flowers. Stop accepting every invitation and accepting each job. Develop a daily routine that includes an hour of sheer relaxation. Whether this means waking up earlier or going to bed later is up to you. The important thing is to enjoy some peace and quiet. If you don't, you will run the risk of burnout.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your financial situation is becoming more stable. You'll no longer have to live from payday to payday. This is just a temporary lull in the storm, so take advantage of it. Set aside as much money into savings as possible, so when the lean times return, you'll have a safety net. Resist the urge to lecture a rebel. The two of you have entirely different principles, and won't be able to convert each other. By agreeing to disagree, you'll maintain a valuable friendship.

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