
Legal problems or health challenges will prompt you to cancel a trip. At times of trial, it's important to stay in the moment. Do whatever you can to feel better, whether it's taking time off work or enjoying a nap. Pushing yourself past the brink of exhaustion will make a bad situation worse. If you're getting pressured to move faster, set a boundary. Normally, you produce the work of three people. You've earned the right to rest. Take it, even when it's inconvenient for others.

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You've entered a period of stagnation. This makes you nervous. Although you've never been a fast mover, you usually make slow, steady progress towards goals. When activity grinds to a halt, panic sets in. If you want to shake things up, take a course in a challenging subject. Learning a foreign language, taking up a musical instrument or studying with a respected artist will be stimulating. The Universe is nudging you to expand your horizons. Taking the focus off an area of obsession will be liberating.

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You're reluctant to try something new. Normally, you're curious to explore unfamiliar territory. That's not the case now. Recently, you've been dealing with difficult people. This has caused you to turn your energy inward. To restore your high spirits, take up a creative pursuit you enjoyed in times gone by. Playing music, writing poetry or sketching will renew your natural zest for life. Put them off if someone invites you out for a night on the town. Take the time to recharge your batteries.

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You'll be struggling with a lot of red tape. At times, you'll wonder whether it's worth it to continue towards an elusive goal. Whenever your resolve starts to falter, lean on your family. Supportive relatives will give you the courage to press forward. Their belief in you will restore your self-confidence. Once you get official permission from an agency, things will move forward at warp speed. You'll be busy fielding calls, attending meetings and setting up new appointments.

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You're dealing with stiff competition. If you don't win the top prize, be gracious. Although you'll disagree with the judge's decision, you shouldn't betray your emotions. There will be other opportunities to bask in the spotlight. Now it's time to reassess your priorities. It will be helpful to go back to basics and refine certain skills. Adding a few more abilities to your bag of tricks will also be helpful. Turn this disappointment into a personal triumph. It can be done with the right attitude.

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A family quarrel will break out. It's important to defend a friend or romantic partner from a critical relative. While you love your family, they shouldn't have your ultimate loyalty. The beautiful thing about friends is that you choose them yourself. They are the people who will affirm your values and support your dreams. Any blood relations who feel threatened by these relationships need to know where they stand. You won't automatically take their side when they launch their unfair attacks.

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Be honest if you're not sure how to perform a particular task at work. Pretending to know what you are doing will make people question your competence. There's nothing wrong with asking for help. It may take a few tries to master a concept. After a colleague demonstrates how to execute a computer command or use some technical equipment, try it yourself. Then ask for another demonstration. Take careful notes. Making yourself vulnerable to colleagues will increase their respect for you.

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Don't let pride get in the way of a close relationship. Your romantic partner will deliver some painful truths. Instead of getting defensive, let these comments sink in. After careful reflection, you'll admit you have some terrible shortcomings. That's not the end of the world. Everyone is flawed. Admirable people are honest about their weaknesses and seek to fix them. If you've been too secretive about your emotions or you've been harbouring grudges, get some help.

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You'll fall short of realising a goal, which is an unusual experience for you. This setback is meant to make you deal with troubling emotions. You've been struggling with some confusing feelings about family. Some of your relatives have been supportive in some ways and undermining in others. It's time to set healthier boundaries. Don't be afraid to challenge someone who is always giving you backhanded compliments. The sooner you take back your power, the better.

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Someone who is narrow-minded is getting on your last nerve. You're trying to appeal to their conscience whenever they make offensive remarks. Instead of wasting valuable energy on this pest, create a career plan. The opportunity to work for a previous employer will arrive quite suddenly. It will be a relief to escape to a more professional work environment. Collaborating with a creative colleague will feel like getting paid to have fun. Your partner enjoys trying to make you laugh.

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Bad news throws you for a loop. You were certain you would land a job, but unfortunately you may be wrong and the job might go to a rival applicant. Try not to dwell on this setback too much. Not getting this job will allow you to take a trip you postponed. Travelling abroad will cause you to reassess your priorities. Instead of putting the lion's share of your energy towards your career, you will move your focus on to health. Improving your fitness will boost your energy, giving you a new zest for life.

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An embarrassing mistake will come to light. Instead of trying to deny the truth, own up to it. Accepting responsibilities for this error is critical to restoring your reputation. It will take time for people to trust you again. Be patient. Make it your mission to deliver on promises. Someone from your past will come forward to congratulate you on your progress. It will be possible to restore this relationship. Let down your defences and make a new beginning.

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