
It feels like you can't impress an authority figure no matter how hard you work. Instead of playing into their hands, go off in your own direction. Develop your own methods, and don't look to this person for approval. Your indifference will break this person's spell over you. Make your own tracks in life.

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The funds you need to finance a team project aren't available now, so you must alter your goals. Perhaps you should do things on a smaller scale. Once the powers-that-be see the results of your work, they may be willing to give you the capital or budget necessary to do things properly. The burden of proof is on you.

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Someone's emotional outburst makes you feel very uncomfortable, but you're not sure why. Perhaps it's because they resemble you during a difficult period of your life. It's time you forgave yourself for any past transgressions. You have nothing to feel guilty about, especially if you've changed your behaviour.

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It feels as though everybody wants something from you today, and you're starting to resent it. There's no reason to snap to attention just because someone makes a request. It's better to be selective with your generosity. That way, people won't take you for granted. You have to admit, you've been a bit of a doormat and martyr to the cause recently.

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Deep down inside, you know that you aren't fulfilling your creative potential. Instead of beating yourself up, do something about it. Go on an artists' retreat, or devote much more time doing what you love and enjoy. The less time you spend on imaginative pursuits, the more boring you will become in every area of life.

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Status isn't everything, no matter what the commercials would have you believe. Instead of putting so much emphasis on material goods, focus more on your personal relationships. When was the last time you had a heart-to-heart talk with your favourite relative, visited a special place or wallowed in nostalgia? Doing so will set your priorities straight again.

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The information or data you need isn't forthcoming, putting you in an awkward position. There's nothing left to do but admit your predicament. The folks who have been counting on you will be mad at first, but at least they'll be able to search elsewhere for help. The best you can hope for today is good damage control.

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It may be time to ask for more money or support, even if you're unsure of what the answer will be. Your superiors need to know that you value yourself. You wouldn't want to be considered a push-over. The critical voices you heard as a child have done enough damage already. Break the cycle for once and for all.

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Although you may not be the most skilled person in your group, you're one of the hardest workers. This often means more than natural talent. Keep plugging away, even if it means putting in extra hours. Your diligence will be rewarded, but not until you've paid your dues and proved your worth. For now, consider yourself a willing apprentice.

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Taking responsibility for things that are beyond your control is a mistake. Let the words "I'm sorry" vanish from your vocabulary for the next week or so, even if you feel an apology is warranted. Until you break yourself of this habit, you'll crowd joy from your life. That would be a tragedy indeed.

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Take a loved one's promises with a grain of salt, as at least a portion of them are destined to fall through. You're better off relying on yourself. If a friend resents your lack of faith, so be it. This will give them added incentive to back up their words with actions. It's about time someone held this character accountable.

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Your surroundings may not be supporting your dreams and goals; stop letting clutter ruin your life. Grab a couple of garbage bags and toss out all the junk that's accumulated over the past few months. This will give you a clearer picture of what you need to be happy. Aren't you tired of living in a fog? Then freshen up your environment.

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