
Just imagine how refreshed you would feel if you decided to take it easy today. It would be tempting to accept a friend or neighbour's invitation to a party or some other social get together but at the same time, you really could do with a break. There is someone who is close to your heart who would like to spend more time with you. Quiet, twosome moments would suit your own mood better than anything too loud, active or sociable today.

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Unusual events may lead to a period of self analysis when you experience a strong desire to look into yourself. This might be through meditation, dream interpretation, astrology or other esoteric means. By the end of the day you will feel more confident about your inner drives, philosophies and spiritual understanding. You are also more likely to start relying more on your intuition.

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Professional and personal concerns seem to equally need your time and attention these days. You might feel torn in two opposing directions. Because you aren't able to give any area a great deal of time, it might seem you are making little headway. Talk to someone who might help you get more organised. Even if this means asking for help until you are more able to cope with your responsibilities, this would be better than falling too far behind.

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Someone who holds a special corner of your heart makes an incredibly appealing suggestion. You won't have to think twice about your answer even if it means having to postpone arrangements already made with friends. Since all it will take is a quick phone call, this isn't going to be a problem. For a change, go with your impulses and don't worry about letting other people down. You should make the most of an extremely relaxing day.

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A train of events takes you by surprise and could also bring happiness your way. This is all the more meaningful because you won't have been expecting it at all. Life might seem chaotic and it could be that delayed news from overseas may have a strong bearing on your activities. This is something of a double benefit day in that the good fortune that comes to you will also be shared by your family and loved ones.

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Someone's petty behaviour might spoil your plans for the day; you may have to reject some ideas completely. If you prepare yourself for possible restrictions and expect people to be awkward, you might find the day more acceptable. Expecting the worst helps you to at least appreciate the good moments. Meeting up with like minded friends will help compensate for some disappointments; even if it amounts to no more than an hour this evening, it will still do the trick.

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You want to show others how much you really care for them. Use your imagination to come up with ideas that might take them by surprise. When your loved ones may have been expecting a non-eventful day, you could make suggestions that will give them something special to remember. You are the one who is calling the tune now and oddly enough, you will enjoy taking the initiative.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Are you ready for a delightfully emotional day as it will be one of harmony and fun? If you are working, your job will be a positive pleasure thanks to the friendliness of a colleague. So not only will this be a progressive and optimistic time but you will be positively enjoying yourself too. A cordial atmosphere will be present in your social scene and if you are involved in a get together tonight it will be one of those romantic occasions when two is company and three a crowd!

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Challenges encountered now will be regarded as problems to overcome. Triumphs you get to enjoy will be regarded as rewards to spur you on to further endeavours. There is no stopping you when the knock on effect of reaching a self set target will be tremendous. Barely will you reach your goal and you'll be taking aim towards the next. Choose meditation and breathing therapies to help you relax over the week ahead.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Activities close to home will bring most rewards and satisfaction. This will give you time too, at the end of the day to sort out the priorities of your life. There is no guarantee you will win but your plans for the weeks ahead will keep moving forward. You will do a pretty good job of sticking to your intentions and it's all because you will be working out ways, today, to put your knowledge, skills and talents to the best use.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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This is a good time to clear out your wardrobe and throw or give away the clothes you no longer wear. A wonderful sense of cooperation within your closest relationships brings out your charitable instincts. You have an astonishing degree of intuition and this gift will come in useful within a group exercise. When you put yourself out for others, there is no end to the wonderful things you can do.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You might be worried about paying a growing pile of bills even if you have tried to be careful with your cash. There is a sizeable amount of money owing to you which suggests the situation will eventually sort itself out. Even so you might wish your financial condition was a little healthier. The good news is you are unlikely to be subjected to any major downward changes in the foreseeable future.

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