
Experiencing the new and unfamiliar is your first order of business. Of course, a desire for stability could conflict with your plans to climb Mount Everest or swim the English Channel. It looks as though you'll have to find a happy medium. Feel free to travel to an exotic land, but take care not to put yourself in the path of danger. Forgo war zones and crime ridden countries. You can have just as much fun in a city that is friendly to tourists.

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You may have to protect yourself from your emotions today. An upsetting piece of news could reach your ears in a public place, shaking you to your very core. Be prepared to put on an inscrutable face. You'll have plenty of opportunity to break down in private. Your bravery and composure will win the respect of everyone around you. It's nice to know you can be relied upon to remain professional, even in the most challenging times.

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You feel bad for a business or romantic partner, but may want to keep sympathetic remarks to yourself. What this person needs is a pep talk, not commiseration. Assume an air of false briskness and encourage your friend to soldier on. This attitude may come off as cold and callous, but it will turn the tide in his or her favour. Sometimes you have to resort to tough love as a means to get people to rise above their difficulties.

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You long for a job with social relevance, but may have to settle for one that pays the bills. Never fear. You can always get involved with a humanitarian cause in your private time. If you play your cards right, your hard work and dedication will result in a job offer from a non-profit making organisation. When you want to make a change, you sometimes have to take a leap of faith. This is especially true when conventional avenues are closed to you.

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You could be harbouring romantic feelings towards a friend, which makes life complicated. Although you'd hate to jeopardise this companionable relationship, it's become virtually impossible to hide your true feelings from your pal. Wait another day or two before making a dramatic announcement. Your feelings of ardour could cool after meeting a more suitable partner. If you've already got a mate, it may be time to inject a little more passion into the partnership.

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You're very protective of your loved ones, but beware of discouraging them from expanding their horizons. Somebody who wants to move away should be given plenty of encouragement, even if the prospect scares you to death. Similarly, if a relative announces plans to travel to another country, try not to fill their ears with dire warnings. You may not agree with these plans, but they are integral to your loved one's success. Have a little faith in their good judgment.

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It's hard to pin down your mood today. One minute you're laughing hysterically, the next you're weeping copiously. An intimate relationship could be the source of this emotional rollercoaster. One dark look from your amour could throw you into a tailspin. This may be a sign that you need to become more independent. Taking a short trip out of town could provide much needed breathing space. You can't afford to lose yourself, even for the sake of love.

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You're trustworthy, warm, and affectionate - is it any wonder you're so popular? A business or romantic partner looks to you to ease their anxieties. On the outside, this person is able to make a great show of courage. Behind closed doors, though, your associate is just a bundle of nerves. Do your best to reassure him or her things will work out fine. Your faith will make all the difference to their ultimate success. Keep pouring on the praise.

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You're direct and spontaneous, which may not sit well with a cautious colleague. Give this person time to process one of your wilder ideas before presenting it to your boss. You will need all the support you can get for this brainstorm and whilst it frustrates you that others don't immediately recognise the brilliance of your plan; you needn't be too harsh on your peers. After all, their reliability provides a secure foundation from which to launch bold ideas.

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You have a tendency to idealise your loved ones, which can lead to trouble. A child or lover who has been placed on a pedestal is deathly afraid of making a mistake. Stop holding this person up as a paragon of virtue, and start acknowledging their shortcomings. Once your friend realises you see their true personality - warts and all - they'll be more truthful with you. It's time to separate dreams from reality, no matter how painful the process is for you.

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You're on the verge of making a discovery, but that won't make any difference to your family. Your loved ones want to spend more time with you. They couldn't care less whether you find a cure for the common cold or uncover the missing link. Set a time limit on your work and stick to it or you could get into the habit of neglecting your nearest and dearest. It doesn't seem like the biggest mistake now, but it will when you need their support.

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You may come off as a bit remote, particularly to neighbours and siblings who expect a warmer reception. Chances are you are preoccupied with career matters, and aren't in the mood for pleasant chitchat. If you have to send an important letter or email, have a sensitive colleague read it through before sending it. Your workmates can recommend some phrases to soften it up. You wouldn't want to offend someone you're really trying to impress.

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