
Instead of dwelling on your jealousy, push yourself to start a creative project of your own. It's true a rival doesn't deserve all the praise for inferior work, but the fact remains they did have the diligence to complete this effort. Stop telling yourself there is no time to use your imagination. By moving your schedule around, asking for help, and delegating jobs to others, you'll be able to work on an artistic endeavour. Turn a deaf ear to critics who say you are wasting your time.

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You can't afford to go on a wild shopping spree. This desire to spend money is rooted in an emotional void. You're feeling tired and empty, and long to fill that space. Material goods can't do this, at least on a lasting basis. The thrill of buying something new brings a momentary lift, but that will soon dissipate and disappear. If you want to feel better, spend quality time with your nearest and dearest. Prepare a sumptuous lunch for your best friend and have a heart to heart talk.

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If you've been pursuing someone who hasn't responded to your overtures, stop now. Redirect your focus to an engrossing creative project. It's hard being rejected, but the feeling will subside. The key is to rescue your dignity in the early stages. It was brave of you to risk your heart. Nobody will fault you for taking a chance. When you continue to push your agenda you lose all the respect you have earned. You may want to pour your feelings into a diary.

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You're tempted to laze around and rest while everybody works. If you give into this impulse, you will make enemies. Everybody is exhausted from trying to meet deadlines in the middle of Christmas season. Every pair of hands is needed. By rousing yourself out of bed, taking a cold shower, and running errands, you'll ease the anxieties in the air. Ask an overburdened relative if there are any chores you can perform while they are busy preparing for guests.

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Try not to keep taking risks with someone else's resources of time and money. What seems like an incredible opportunity is really a money pit. If you want to give someone a nice gift, make one with your own two hands. Assemble a photo album, bake a cake, or knit a scarf. While you're at it, stock up on a few small gifts, just in case you get an unexpected visitor. If nobody comes to claim an extra tin of treats, you can always eat them yourself.

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You're oversensitive, so try not to get too worked up when your work is criticised. Everybody knows you're smart and talented. There's always room for improvement. By being receptive to other people's comments, you'll establish much better relationships with colleagues. You'll also improve your skills. Are you out of work? Finding a good position is difficult from now until the New Year. Cut yourself some slack if your applications aren't getting the enthusiastic response you expected. Once Christmas is over, you'll get some calls for interviews.

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You know a little about many different subjects, but you may need to focus on just one to be happy. Becoming an expert on art, music, or film will require some additional training. Studying with a master will be frustrating, because you'll realise gaps in your education you never knew existed. That's all right. Once you acquaint yourself with this unfamiliar material, you'll become much more confident. You have to walk before you can run. Take those first baby steps now.

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What you have is not a reflection of your worth. Whether you are prosperous or poor, you have gifts that are priceless. Stop looking to your bank account for affirmation. If you are feeling lost and lonely, do something kind for someone else. Relieve a loved one of a dreaded chore. Visit a friend in the hospital. Volunteer at an animal shelter. Do whatever it takes to connect with others who are struggling. You'll emerge feeling stronger, healthier, and happier.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Don't pretend to like someone who turns you off. You'll just pave the way for heartache. Maintain a polite but chilly demeanour with the flirt in question. If their attentions persist, you'll have to have a little talk. Make it clear you don't want to have any sort of intimate relationship. Keep your distance until the tension dies down. The sooner you nip this problem in the bud, the better. You don't like hurting anyone's feelings, but sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You feel unappreciated at work. Although you're extremely talented, other colleagues seem to be getting favourable attention. Instead of seeking fulfilment in the workplace, concentrate on your personal life. A close relationship will allow you to express yourself in ways you never imagined. Reach out to a compassionate, loving individual who has always been kind to you. Confess your dreams and talk about the possibility of making a radical change.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Pretending to agree with someone's offensive viewpoint will backfire. You're a humanitarian at heart, and can't stand to hear groups denigrated. Standing up for the underdog will cause tension in a social setting, but it can't be helped. Once kind people realise you are on the side of truth and justice, they'll align themselves with you. Right now, it's hard to tell where anybody stands. Take this opportunity to break the ice and make your opinions known.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Don't spend your hard earned money on status symbols. It's better to direct your earnings into savings. Having a nest egg will allow you to buy a home, car, or other high end purchase. Fashionable clothes and jewellery are fun indulgences, but they really don't offer much long term security. The promotion you expected is not materialising. It may be time to have a discussion with your boss. If you continue to be strung along, start looking for a new position.

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