
You're worried about how good the tools for your job might be. You feel you need to be better equipped for tasks being asked of you that are very different to anything you have done before. In order to expand your range of capabilities it may be necessary to put in a request for new equipment.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Let your boss or senior colleague know you would rather put more care into your work than to rush a job because they are pushing you to do so. By sharing your views and banding together with your family, neighbours and friends, you should be able to find a solution to a recent problem concerning health, sport or work.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You've done your best to keep on top of everything and that's why you can't believe how much work has been building up. When you have been busy with responsibilities in the workplace, jobs about the house have been neglected, or vice-versa. If there is any way you can get some help, now is the time to ask for it.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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No matter how many times you do your financial sums, two plus two seems to always end up making five. You can't quite get your head around a bank statement or set of figures and you could get quite irritated by this. A practical relative who has always been good with money might help.

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A casual conversation with a friend or neighbour could lead you to an exciting business opportunity. Take a serious approach to work concerns. Your boss will be amazed to see how keen you are to throw yourself into a job you've never enjoyed on in the past. Your aim is to impress them with your enthusiasm.

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You have strong ideas about a work matter and you're also keen to persuade colleagues to listen to and accept your views. It would be better not to be too outspoken. Your enthusiasm could carry you away on a cloud of positivity only you aren't seeing that there are other ways to look at this issue.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You are highly intuitive. If you feel instantly someone can be trusted or you sense a person isn't being honest with you, trust your instincts. Try to remember your dreams when you wake in the morning. Spend some time thinking about the people, places, colour and events in your dreams as they may have a deeper meaning than you first realise.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Whereas projects recently begun continue to hold your interest, you find it hard to show any enthusiasm for new plans people are talking about. This may be the chance a workmate or neighbour has been waiting for to show off their skills. You aren't likely to get much out of it and for that reason you are happy to leave them to it.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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An older relative or neighbour who is starting to rely on you for your help doesn't seem to understand you have other things to do. Jobs you are working on now are important as you are working to a deadline. You know they must be done and it's hard to relax when this is on your mind. The quicker you get them over with the better.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It could be worth listening to a partner or relative's ideas on how you all might save some money. They're always coming up with different plans to make money, save money and improve their lifestyle. You might think you have heard it all before but the new plans they come up with could sound quite ingenious.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Travel will be rewarding in more ways than one. This is just what you need to feel as if you're getting something extra out of life. A change of scenery will give you a chance to think through new options and opportunities. When you're away from familiar places you can see your life from a different perspective.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Keep your wits about you and you will make a profit out of any money deals you are negotiating. You are bright and alert and quick to spot a good opportunity. This will make you justifiably pleased with yourself. You will always be polite and courteous to others but this doesn't make you gullible. You know how to protect your own interests.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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