
You'll have to keep your feelings under wraps, especially where a neighbour or relative is involved. Although this person's behaviour seems perfectly outrageous to you, it's not wise to express concern just now. Sit back and bide your time. A better opportunity to lend advice will present itself. Meanwhile, stay focused on broadening your knowledge of a complicated subject. Yield to a powerful teacher, even when you disapprove of their methods.

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Mixing with posh people is starting to wear on your finances. Be honest if you can't afford an expensive outing. If they really care for you, they'll grant you leeway. In the event they don't, you're better off breaking ties with them. Debt could be weighing heavily on your mind. Consolidating your bills is one way to simplify the situation. Contacting your creditors and asking for forbearance can also help. There are a lot of people in the same boat.

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You could receive unfavourable publicity. Before lashing out, consider whether this criticism is justified. This could be a golden opportunity to apologise and correct a mistake. Breaking a bad habit like promising more than you can deliver is imperative. Consider how much trouble this tendency has caused for a close friend or business associate. If you really want to earn this person's respect, you'll mend your ways. Granted, you won't see results overnight. Even the smallest changes will be appreciated.

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Just because you were raised in a certain way doesn't mean everybody else should adhere to these values. Try to adopt a more open minded approach, especially where colleagues are concerned. It's possible an argument with a colleague is spoiling your weekend. Take this opportunity to devise a strategy that will allow you to put your differences aside for the sake of progress. Fuelling this childish argument will only compound your stress.

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A romance or creative venture could come to a jarring end. Although this is disappointing, you've probably been given a blessing in disguise. You can't afford to make yourself vulnerable to others right now. Focus on gathering your strength for emotional and financial challenges. A male friend could be wearing on your nerves, pestering you to make a move you'd rather avoid. Tell this guy to back off, or a loud argument could follow. Establish firm boundaries.

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A quarrel could be steeped in a power struggle and you're not yet ready to give your power to another person. If you're not sure how to proceed, describe your problem to three people you trust. Ask whether or not your fears are justified. You'll get a clearer perception of how to proceed after seeking their advice. Relatives could be putting a great deal of pressure on you to act a certain way. It may be time to get some distance from these family members.

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Raw emotions could be taking a toll on your health. You're tired of arguing with a stubborn neighbour or relative. Practicing some relaxation techniques could make a tremendous difference to your peace of mind. After all, there's little you can do to change your tormentor's behaviour, so you might as well change your own. By choosing to deal with this person in a different manner, you'll avoid all sorts of pitfalls which are currently tripping you.

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You're having a fantastic time, which could be undermining your ability to attend to personal responsibilities. Although it pains you to do so, you've got to scale back your social schedule. Household chores and work assignments are calling. They will seem less odious once you get started on them. If you spend your time wisely, you'll finish everything before next weekend, allowing you to enjoy family life with a clear conscience. Meanwhile, take comfort in knowing you will be missed.

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You're probably hypersensitive where your family is concerned. Control your temper if someone doesn't jump in response to your orders. Nobody likes to be talked to like an underling. By giving people the respect they are due, you'll get much better results. Remember though: the most effective leaders issue instructions with an air of calm authority. Conduct yourself with the wisdom of your years. It will make all the difference to this relationship.

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Avoid engaging in idle chitchat, or you could reveal some privileged information. You wouldn't want to betray a colleague's trust. Overdoing it at the gym could result in an injury. By all means, take some exercise, but don't put undue strain on your heart and muscles. A brisk walk may be more therapeutic than an intense run. Don't forget to stretch before and after your workout. Guarding your health will make the difference between a tiring and productive work week.

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Unless you're careful, financial extravagance will catch up with you. Resist the urge to buy expensive status symbols. You have better ways to spend your money. If your inner child feels cranky, indulge it with a creative project. Writing, painting, or dancing could quell material cravings. Take care to behave scrupulously in front of a lover or child. Otherwise, you could lose this person's respect just when you need it most. Don't do or say anything you will later regret.

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Don't let your ego get in the way of doing a good job. Both your personal and professional reputations are at stake. Just because you resent a relative's bossy behaviour doesn't mean their requests are unwarranted. Put your wounded pride aside and do what's necessary for the family's welfare. Similarly, it may be necessary to take some extra work off of your boss's hands. Doing your fair share will promote a most desirable atmosphere of cooperation.

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