
Get involved in new routines and projects. This is your chance to shake off the boredom that has been holding you prisoner. New methods will work better than old ones. This will come as a surprise to colleagues who were adamant their ways couldn't be improved. Give them a chance to adapt.

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Determination is your strong point yet you're almost ready to give up on a job that isn't going well. What's stopping you from asking for help? Admit that you could do with some support to finish this task. There are plenty of people around who are willing to give assistance. Share the work and share the glory.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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An indecisive friend is living up to their reputation by taking ages to get back to you about a proposal you put to them. You may need to remind them that you are waiting for an answer. Send them a text or give them a call and let them know you can't wait forever for them to make up their mind.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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The support you have been giving others is admirable but you need to take more interest now in your own health needs. This includes the necessity to exercise more. Even if you aren't the sporty type you could be surprised by how much pleasure you get out of a new outside interest. In particular a one you can share with a group of friends.

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A partner has opposing views to you on how joint finances should be handled. If you're hoping to spend some cash on a project but there have been objections, be willing to talk it through. Hide your irritation, keep discussions calm and reasonable and a compromise will be reached.

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As a Virgo, you rarely take health matters lightly. There is a reason why you are feeling tired and irritable. Heed the signs and take the rest you need and deserve. Spending some time outside in the fresh air will be therapeutic. Don't feel guilty if you decide to take the day off work.

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You aren't the only one whose life is likely to be affected by the choices and decisions being made today. If you have a say in the matter, be certain to take everyone else's views and feelings into account before making a long-term commitment. You will want to make a big decision without regret.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Emotions are raw. Someone has hurt you and you feel they have let you down. Their apologies mean nothing while you feel so upset and you aren't ready yet to forgive them, if you ever will. The future of this relationship is uncertain. Avoid making a big decision when you can't think clearly.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A project you were excited about doesn't mean as much to you now. You have waited so long for this moment you seem to have lost interest. You daren't show others how you really feel. They've put a lot of effort into this and you don't want them to think you don't appreciate it.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Hard work will pay off sooner than you think. Whether or not you are in the mood for it, there are jobs you need to get on with. You have no choice about it as the responsibility is yours and yours alone. This work will be time-consuming and often boring but it will bring rewards.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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It will feel good to throw yourself into new and unusual pastimes. Getting intellectual stimulation is critical to your happiness. Others will be inspired by your passion and enthusiasm but when it comes to money, a more cautious approach is recommended. It would be wise to discuss plans with a partner and avoid making impulsive purchases.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Acting on a tip that a neighbour puts your way could earn you a little extra money. Although you don't like taking cash from others, if someone offers to pay you for your creative skills, seriously consider their offer carefully. This could be the start of a lucrative little business.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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