
It may be necessary to cancel a romantic outing for the sake of work. Your amour will be bitterly disappointed, but it can't be helped. You're the only one who can deal with a professional disaster. The sooner you begin, the faster you'll finish. Spending more time on spiritual pursuits can bring welcome balance to your life. Unless you slow down to smell the flowers, life will go by in a flash. Plan to step back into a less demanding career.

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You're tired of a job that doesn't draw on your intelligence. Finding another position will take time, effort and patience. Be good to yourself while you send out applications and go on job interviews. Eventually, you'll find a situation worthy of your knowledge and experience. Attending an impromptu get together will be lots of fun. You'll meet some creative people who will ask you to collaborate with them on an important project. It will be such a pleasure to deal with fellow artists.

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All good things must end. Continuing to indulge your love of luxury will do serious financial harm. Get back to work so you can build up your savings. You don't want to lose a perfectly good job out of sheer laziness. At long last, you're being recognised for your professional contributions. Don't be surprised if you're asked to be a silent partner. This arrangement will allow you to earn money from behind the scenes. People value your sales ability and want to keep you in the fold.

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A well intentioned relative is painting an unrealistic portrait of your prospects. If you're going to realise your goals, you'll have to work on your relationship skills. Don't just expect a romantic or business partner to do all the hard work on your behalf. Returning from a trip or graduating from a course of study gives you a great feeling of accomplishment. You've gained lots of valuable experience since embarking on this journey. Use this knowledge to set some lofty new goals.

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Engaging in flirtatious banter with someone could create embarrassment. You're just having fun, but your playmate has developed a serious crush on you. It's time to put an end to their deception. Be clear about your motives, especially if you already have a partner. Money from an inheritance, legal settlement or royalty payment will improve your career prospects. It will be easier to look the part of a successful executive with more money in the budget. If you want to start your own business, go for it.

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Retail therapy won't solve a problem. Spending money on luxuries will only make your financial situation worse. If you want to indulge in some self-pampering, take an afternoon nap, unwind in a scented bath, or splash on a little cologne. Helping your best friend or romantic partner realise a dream will be rewarding for both of you. You have all the practical skills to bring their work before the public. They have all the creativity to become a professional artist. Together, you make a great team.

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Charm won't get you very far. If you've made a mistake, admit it and accept the consequences. Rather than asking a relative to give you some money, earn it yourself. Paying off a debt by yourself will be empowering. You're more capable than you realise. The results of a fitness regime have to be seen to be believed. Take this opportunity to splash out on some new outfits. You'll find some beautiful clothes that enhance your best qualities. Go ahead and spend a little more money than usual.

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Don't be taken in by a sob story. A loved one who is always down in their luck will ask for help or a loan. It's time to face the truth about this manipulator. Instead of taking responsibility for their behaviour, they'll always claim innocence. You've gone above and beyond the call of duty for others. Now it's time to satisfy yourself. Going on a relaxing holiday is just what the doctor ordered. If you're single, you'll meet an attractive person whose velvet voice thrills you to the core.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A friend is urging you to follow in their footsteps. Although their interest is flattering, you have no intention of pursuing their dreams. You're much more adventurous. A conventional life doesn't have any appeal for you. Don't be afraid to deviate from the norm. Spending time with family is a refreshing change from work. Attend a youngster's recital, game or performance. They'll be eternally grateful for your support and encouragement. It's also possible that your amour will get a raise or promotion, putting you both on secure financial ground.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A stylish person who doesn't have substance is a poor leader. People are prone to trust this fashionable leader because they look so impressive. You know the truth; they're nothing but a fraud. Be ready to step into their shoes when they miss the mark. Finishing a fascinating project will put you on the path to love. Someone who admires your thinking will ask to meet you. You'll feel an instant connection with this admirer. You share many of the same values, as well as an appreciation for art.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Beware of putting too much faith in a magnetic celebrity. While this glamorous figure seems to have all the answers, they are just as confused as you are. Look within for the wisdom you seek. Your intuition knows exactly what you require to be content. Money from a creative project will allow you to make some home improvements. Take this opportunity to upgrade your kitchen or bathroom. If you don't own your place, it will be possible to put a deposit on property surrounded by beautiful landscaping.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Getting involved with someone simply out of physical desire will be disastrous. While it's understandable you long for sensual pleasure, it's not fair to treat your partner like they don't have any feelings. When you change the way in which you look at things, the things that you look at will change. That's why it's so important to develop a better self-image. Eliminate self-criticism from your thoughts. Replace an insulting inner dialogue with praise and encouragement. People who love themselves attract money, romance and creative opportunities.

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