
You're determined to finish a job, but events keep getting in the way. A colleague could call in sick or your boss may change their mind. At times like these, it's tempting to double your efforts. Refrain from doing so this time around or you'll waste valuable energy. It looks like you'll be forced to revise this project next week, no matter what lengths you go to today. You're better off winding down for weekend festivities than winding up for arduous work.

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It will be impossible to find an outlet for your artistic talent. You need to focus on making money than getting creative fulfilment. A youngster could be pressuring you for an expensive toy. Turn a deaf ear to their pleas. Giving in to their every demand will make your young friend overly dependent on material goods. By demonstrating you can be happy without possessions, you'll teach them a valuable lesson. Doing outdoor activities together will strengthen your bond.

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Trying to convince a relative to accept your viewpoint will be an exercise in futility. The two of you are never going to see eye to eye, so just accept it and move on. This isn't the best time to undertake home repair projects. You may run out of money midway through the job or a manufacturer will stop making the materials you need. Wait until next week to launch such an endeavour. In the meantime, steer clear of a tetchy type who finds fault with everything.

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You're sick and tired of trying to do a million things at once. It's time to delegate jobs to other members of your household. Relatives and roommates are perfectly capable of cooking, cleaning, and shopping. If you live alone, you may want to hire somebody to tidy up or baby sit. Buying a few hours of leisure will be well worth the cost. Don't give in to guilty feelings. You have every right to rest and relax.

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You're going through money like a hot knife through butter. It's time to put your spending in check. Part of the problem is you are trying to keep up with friends. Although your nearest and dearest seem to have endless funds, the truth is quite different. If you take a closer look, you'll realise everyone is living on credit. You can't afford to jeopardise your future this way. Take the frugal road, even if it means staying home while everyone else is out partying.

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People resent it when you tell them what to do. Resist the urge to correct colleagues even if you think they are going about their jobs in the wrong way. By focusing on your own job performance, you'll make more progress. You may not realise it, but your boss is trying to assess how well you get along with others. By demonstrating your ability to be a team player, you'll put yourself in line for a promotion. Making enemies will put you out of the running.

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Someone is trying to convert you, and you really resent their efforts. You'd rather work in companionable silence than hear their opinions about religion, politics, and morality. Unfortunately they won't change their ways unless you ask. Although this conversation will be painful, it will be productive. It's all a matter of treating them with the dignity and respect everyone deserves. Think back to when a tactful relative had to deliver a painful truth to you, and you'll know what to do.

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You'll hate yourself if you give in to peer pressure, so don't do it. You need to continue along your own path, no matter what the consequences will be. Friends who abandon you at such a critical juncture aren't worth keeping, anyway. You're about to learn a valuable lesson about loyalty. Arguments over an inheritance will make you exhausted. It's sad to see people squabbling over a few pieces of silver. Keep behaving with dignity and you will prevail.

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Your boss is pressuring you to spend more time at the office. Unfortunately, you're needed at home. If push comes to shove, you may be better off finding another job. It's important to keep your priorities straight at times like these. If you're single, you could find yourself attracted to a person in power. Before giving your heart away, take careful note of their character. If you see your amour abusing their position, walk away. There are other fish in the sea.

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Excessive worry is taking a toll on your health. You need to make more time for rest and relaxation. When was the last time you read a good book or listened to beautiful music? Cut back your schedule in favour of free time or you'll get so sick you won't be able to work at all. A busybody will call you lazy, but pay no attention to their nasty remarks. They are just jealous you have the wisdom to slow down when the going gets rough.

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You won't be able to talk sense into an awkward youngster. You'll have to let this child make their own mistakes. Be ready to comfort them if and when things go wrong. Resist the urge to say 'I told you so.' The best teacher is experience. Someone may be trying to tempt you into a potentially difficult decision. Stay strong. You can't afford to jeopardise a loving relationship for the sake of a few hours of fun. Find a creative outlet for your frustrations.

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Relatives feel free to criticise your private life and it's time to put a stop to this trend. Don't discuss your decisions with your family, even if it means telling them to butt out. At first, your stubborn behaviour will come as a terrific surprise. Eventually, your kin will learn you can't be coerced into doing things their way. After all, it's your life, not theirs. You've always had different needs. Stand in your own defence, because nobody else will.

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