
Travel broadens the mind but wherever you go it's the journey that matters. Your route is destined to have a profound effect on your outlook. Beliefs you once held on to as sacred will be challenged and soon replaced by new ones. Nobody will be more surprised by this psychological break through than you. Take this as a sign that you are growing and evolving. Only the most close-minded people refuse to alter their attitude and approach with the times.

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You have reason to be optimistic both financially and emotionally. Tired arrangements and moribund relationships are finally making an exit out of your life, and though it's makes you sad, you're eager to make a fresh start. Take this opportunity to assume full control over your life and resources, even if it means stepping away from a secure arrangement. When given the choice between safety and pride, choose pride every time.

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A partnership power struggle makes you realise that control is really an illusion. Dominant and submissive roles are ever-changing; there's no constant leader. The only way to make your bond or alliance thrive is to let go of your expectations. If you're not in a relationship now, one could make its entree into your life. It's all a matter of adjusting your attitude and outlook. There is no set path for love; each and every affair is unique and different.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You are more self-conscious of your body so do something about it before Yule. There has never been a better time to sign up to a new health regime or begin a process of physical transformation. Changing your diet and stepping up your exercise program will allow you to mould and sculpt your body into a work of art. Consult a personal trainer or join a class for advice on the best way to get results. You need to follow a path that is tailored to your physical type.

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Your Philistine skin is about to be shed as a more artistic YOU evolves. Leos are SO creative so you should be much more heavily involved with imaginative pursuits. If your work or lifestyle doesn't support these instincts, it's imperative that you make a conscious change today. This is an optimum time to take a risk and speculate. That shouldn't be difficult, as you're a gambler by nature. Throw caution to the wind and embrace the unknown!

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If you're sick and tired of being held prisoner by regrets and longings then don't! It's time to forge a more positive outlook, one that is focused on the here-and-now. Stop putting off dreams for some hazy date in the future. Take steps toward realizing your goals from this moment on. This could involve moving to a more vibrant location, breaking ties with an overly dependent loved one, or throwing away reminders of a painful relationship. Take the plunge - what have you got to lose?

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You can be a nice as pie usually but today brace yourself as the tiger in you is released. Someone who has been taking advantage of your polite behaviour needs to be put in their place. A public dressing-down may be just what the doctor ordered. Don't worry about making a scene; your friends will be squarely behind you. Once you get going, you'll find it's actually quite pleasant to vent your anger in front of everybody. Get ready to read the riot act!

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Financial growth and personal freedom are paramount so do anything to get them. If it means striking out on your own and forming a business, so be it. Alternately, you may decide to leave a relatively stable position for something riskier, but more suited to your talents. Your actions may shock most people, but take heart for it's better to follow your instincts than to subdue your desires for the sake of others. Live and let live.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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This is potentially one of the most powerful periods of your entire year so get ready to rumble! You are being asked to confront one of your greatest fears. Your initial reaction may be that this challenge is unfair and unwarranted. Once you get over your disbelief and outrage, though, your only choice will be to conquer this demon that lurks inside you. After the confrontation is over, a New You will emerge for the new Year, one that is happier, stronger and more content in it's own company.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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"What's it all about?" I hear you ask a soon-to-be crisis will tell you. At times like these, it's helpful to make a list of all the things that make life meaningful to you. You may be surprised to see just how many items and subjects you can put down. Once you're finished, review the entries and ask yourself whether you really spend enough time on these activities, as you should. Make some stringent changes as to go on as you are will mean asking the same question time after time.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Purging yourself of people and groups that don't serve your interests is a must. Some may call your actions cold-blooded and ruthless, but you understand it's a matter of survival. You can't afford to put yourself in a situation where your dreams and desires are not being supported. At times like these, it seems like you'll never be able to trust people again. This feeling will past when you start to meet more enlightened folk as you swap new for old.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're content to swim with the tide, but today you face turbulent waters. You are being forced to consider what you really want to be doing with your life and world. It's not a matter of going down the easiest path; besides you have no choice as you are forced into situations where you must assert your will or be condemned to a life of drudgery. Sound dramatic? Well, it is. Grasp your dreams before they slip away: be mercenary with yourself.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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