
You're a little unclear about your financial status, mainly because you're afraid to know the truth. Take this chance to gather all your bills and tally up the damage. Your situation will seem far more manageable once you have a concrete number of debits and credits to work with. Consult an accountant to wipe out debts once and for all.

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A loved one's behaviour is getting under your skin, but maybe you are the source of the problem/ The fastest way to change somebody else it to alter your own recalcitrant attitude. Admit that you've been a little less than charitable when it comes to nurturing your close relationships. It's a great Sunday to turn over a new leaf.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Although you long to break free of a claustrophobic relationship built on obsession or possessiveness, your fear of being alone is holding you back. Gather your courage together by taking a solo vacation. Once you realise how self-sufficient you really are, you'll pull away from this constricting bond. Spread your wings and fly!

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A pile of unfinished duties stands between you and your happiness, so what are you going to do about it? Set aside a few hours to take care of these pesky chores. You'll feel like you're walking on air once you make a dent in your work load. The best ideas tend to strike when you tackle big tasks so prepare for a gargantuan breakthrough.

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It's important to assist your loved ones with their work or obligations, even when you feel exhausted and dead to the world. Just a small attempt will make so much difference to the quality of both your lives. The same goes for you: if you let little jobs slide, your life will become chaotic. What's the real reason you're avoiding these duties? Be honest.

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Wilfully misunderstanding somebody is no way to get revenge; extend an olive branch if you want to win a friend rather than make an enemy. Be more direct rather than Machiavellian about your feelings. Passive/aggressive behaviour will only complicate matters. Yes, your words may upset people but it's better than swallowing your anger and becoming bitter and twisted.

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You keep focusing on what you lack, rather than what you have, which plunges you further into depression. The next time you catch yourself thinking, "If only I had more money' write a list of 5 things for which you are truly grateful. This will radically change your attitude, thereby making you more magnetic to wealth and happiness.

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You're not quite sure what direction you want to take in life, but you do know you need to make a change. Perhaps the answer is staring you in the face. The simple act of updating your image can radically alter your thinking and how people perceive you. It sounds shallow, but it's true. Consult those who know about style and flair.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Just because you made a mistake doesn't mean you're unworthy; it's time to forgive yourself. Once you do this, you can use your experience to help others. However, it will be impossible to move forward if you keep berating yourself. Begin each day with a positive affirmation, like 'I respect myself' or 'I am a unique individual'.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Money can't buy you love or happiness so leave credit cards at home. Focus instead developing your spirituality. Consider your blessings and personal reasons that make life worth living as opposed to those who don't, elsewhere in the world. Reciting and reminding yourself of these will infuse you with a sense of purpose whilst quieting your material needs.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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On some deep level you feel you aren't worthy of success, but that's not true. Perhaps a pessimistic person's view or guilt born of past grief has poisoned your outlook. It's vital you surround yourself with supportive friends if you're going to get out of this. Not only are you worthy but a gifted individual with unlimited potential to succeed.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You are convinced that everybody else is more qualified than you to accomplish great things, but you have a hidden asset: intuition. Rely on your feelings, rather than logic, when fulfilling your duties. Sooner or later, people will be coming to you for help. There are some things that can't be taught, and sensitivity is one of them.

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