
You identify strongly with a group that has been wronged or abused. Getting involved with an advocacy organisation could lift your spirits. You're not the type of person who can sit idly by while others suffer. Pay no attention to cynics who claim your actions are a waste of time. The fact is, your willingness to get involved makes these doubters feel ashamed. Stand by your principles and let your voice be heard.

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You may be harbouring an unrealistic attitude about your professional responsibilities. Asking for special favours or underplaying the importance of your role will get you in hot water with authority figures. Keep a low profile and do what you are asked. Resist the urge to break the rules, even if everybody else does. By demonstrating that you can work within the system, you'll stay out of hot water.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You long to see distant places, but may not have the means to travel. Instead of cursing your bad luck, devise a plan that allows you to take a trip. Set aside money each week for your dream vacation, and surf the Internet for bargain rates. Taking steps toward your happiness will turn the tide in your favour. Tell as many people as possible about your goal; a friend could step in and help.

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The prospect of a big change makes you nervous and upset, but hold on. The things you envision may not come to pass. In fact, there's a good chance the future holds something marvellous for you. The next time you catch yourself worrying, replace the thought with a positive affirmation. It sounds silly and simplistic, but you'll fare much better by assuming an upbeat attitude. Negativity breeds misfortune.

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Opening up about your spiritual values could lend a new closeness to a relationship. Although you feel awkward about discussing such personal matters, your confidante will put you at ease. It's silly to restrict comments to meaningless subjects like the weather when you could be having far more profound conversations. Don't be surprised if a distant memory is triggered as a result of this heart-to-heart talk.

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It's hard to feel good about yourself when you're not being productive, but hold on. You have to remember you are much more efficient than the average person. By giving yourself permission to relax just a little, you'll find ways to be of service again. Don't beat yourself up if you haven't been able to find a job. Devote a certain amount of time each day to looking for employment, and then work on a hobby.

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An overwhelming desire to create something of lasting value could prompt you to make a change. Whether you decide to have a child, launch a creative project, or embark on a new relationship, your life will take a turn for the better. You've spent so much time pleasing others; now it's time to listen to your own desires. Onlookers may say you're not taking the smartest path, but then, they're not living your life.

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You may be a bit moodier than usual, thanks to some issues from the past that have recently resurfaced. Instead of trying to pretend these things never happened, ask yourself what you have learned from them. This approach will help you move toward the future with confidence. It's hard to be optimistic when you feel as though your past could come back to haunt you. Be honest about the situation, and vow to do better.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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An emotional conversation could finally clear the air between you and a neighbour. You're tired of bottling up your feelings for the sake of politeness. So long as you restrict your comments to what is truly bothering you, instead of belittling remarks, you can make some real progress. Nobody likes to feel as though they have to walk on eggshells. Find a way you can both live together without feeling stifled or suffocated.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Use your imagination to find new ways to make money; conventional paths aren't very lucrative. Starting a home-based business will allow you to spend more time with your loved ones while raking in the cash. If you're in the dark about how to start such a venture, approach somebody who has. You may even want to take this person on as a partner. Do whatever is necessary to increase your income.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're in a romantic mood, and wish to lavish your affection on a willing recipient. If you're in a relationship, surprise your partner with a beautiful bouquet or two tickets to a romantic destination. If you're not involved with someone special, do some heavy duty flirting at a social gathering. People will be marvellously receptive to your overtures. Your only problem will be choosing from a gang of admirers!

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Listening to your subconscious is more important than ever now that you are feeling restless. You've always dealt best with your problems by listening to your intuition. Outsiders may try to influence you do something that goes against your ideals. Forget about what they will think if you reject their advice. You're the one who must live with the consequences of your actions. Spend a few quiet hours by yourself if you feel overwhelmed.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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