
A personšs out-of-character behaviour isn't so mysterious to you; urge others in your social circle not to jump to conclusions. The reason you're so sympathetic is that you were in a similar situation in the not-so-distant future. This is your chance to reassess your feelings towards someone who keeps rubbing you the wrong way.

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Your head and heart are in perfect agreement with regard to career options; take a gigantic step toward your happiness. Not everyone will be happy with your decision. don't get drawn into a conversation about what's best for you in the long run. After all, you're the only person who will have to live with your decision.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Words of praise give you the encouragement you need to further your education. The only reason you haven't reached the top of your game is because of a lack of courage. Taking responsibility for your future is the fastest way to demolish these fears. The success of a romantic relationship is riding on your willingness to improve.

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Tapping into your mate's physical needs is easier than ever when the Moon, your ruling planet, conjoins mental Mercury. Take your lover by surprise and cater to their deepest desires. If you aren't in a relationship, you can still put your powers of observation to good use. Whisper soft words to garner a favour with an authority figure.

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Before you react to a partner's harsh words, take a few breaths and compose a response. Experience should teach you that stress can cause people to say things that they don't really mean. A gentle approach will diffuse the tension between you both considerably. Isn't it nice to be the rational one for a change?

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Your ability to nip a potentially embarrassing social situation in the bud wins you the admiration of your peers. Use your new-found popularity as a springboard to a bigger and better position within your community. Unlike most folks, you thrive on additional responsibility. In this case, your desire for approval is an asset.

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Your easy-going ways could make you a target for a manipulative person who wants to see how far they can push you. If you feel that you're being pressured in a direction that makes you uncomfortable, hang fire. You've got to establish firm boundaries early on with such people, if not, you'll be setting yourself up for a fall.

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Starting a home based business could give you a welcome opportunity to withdraw from a difficult work situation. When you feel like you're backed up against a wall, you've got to give as good as you get. Create new chances for yourself, instead of praying that your problems will disappear. Happily, you're very creative about finding solutions today.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Getting household chores out of the way is a must if you want some spare moments to yourself this evening. Your tendency to let your schedule pile up may mean that you're unwilling to confront certain truths. When is the last time you had a heart-to-heart with a close friend or relative? Stop looking for distractions.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Negotiating a lucrative deal is possible if you're willing to lay your cards on the table. People are much more likely to give you what you want if you make a straightforward request. If you feel uncomfortable about asking for more money, maybe it's because you feel that you don't deserve it. Remember that your worth is determined by you.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're calm, cool, and collected today, and that's enough to drive your co-workers and colleagues to distraction. Don't let their doomsday scenarios chip away at your confidence. Your grace under fire makes you an excellent candidate for a leadership position. If someone tries to wheedle an invitation out of you take the direct approach and turn them down flat.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Hold your cards close to your chest today; an opportunist is just itching for a chance to trump your ace. Fortunately, you've the gift of strategy. The worse thing you could do is get in a gossipy conversation about a rival. If anybody asks your opinion of the person in question, respond with an enigmatic smile. Your future is on the line.

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