
A spirit of cooperation pervades everything you do, especially intellectual endeavours. Teaming up with a person who is an expert in their field gives you an added level of confidence. Secretly, you've always wanted to be an authority in a specialised field. By sticking close to your mentor, you could glean the knowledge you crave to possess. Pay close attention to this person's study habits; they will serve you well.

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Coming to terms with who you are and what you can do is a welcome relief. You can't pattern your entire life after someone you admire; you have to carve out your own path. Occasionally, your behaviour will meet with disapproval. That's a sign that you're doing something right. Original people will always attract disapproval. That's because followers are scared of folks who listen to their hearts.

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An intimate relationship is undergoing some profound changes, whether you like it or not. The best way to cope with the situation is to focus on your own needs. If you try to force the person in question to remain the same, you'll only alienate them. On the other hand, if the object of your affection sees you developing your own interests, they'll be more apt to respect you. It's all a matter of strategy.

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Your productivity depends a lot on the company you keep today. People who support and admire your efforts inspire you to work even harder. If, on the other hand, you are forced to deal with critical types, you won't get much done. Confronting nit pickers is the only way to put an end to the situation. Summon your nerve to take the direct approach; pointed hints won't be effective with bone heads like these.

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Your leadership qualities come in handy while mingling at a party. Don't let wall flowers suffer in silence. By introducing strangers and keeping the conversation going, you could change a disastrous gathering into the social event of the season. Befriending a shy type is definitely worth your while. They'll be enthralled by your ebullient personality, while you'll be entranced by their romantic instincts. This evening is meant for love!

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You're extremely devoted to the ones you love, and will go beyond the call of duty to prove your loyalty. Your generous nature demands that you find ways to serve others. If you can't help some poor unfortunate, you feel adrift. You're in luck today, however, when a friend or relative asks for a favour. Don't be so quick to lend money, though. Chances are this person needs spiritual assistance more than financial help.

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You're quite impulsive today, especially when it comes to blurting out your feelings. Normally, you're so intent on preserving your dignity that you say very little. This time, however, you offer opinions to anyone who will listen. There's something liberating about speaking your mind. Make it a practice more often. Too many people are confused about your true emotions. Reverse the trend with some bold statements.

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Your self worth is wrapped up in how much money you are making. If you feel that you aren't being properly compensated for your talents, arrange a conference with your superiors. It may help to know that even the people above you are quite intimidated by your powerful presence. By making the most of your intimidating personality, you can get even more than you hoped. Make the most of pregnant pauses.

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You're even more optimistic than usual, and that's quite a feat for a hopeful person like you! That's because you see opportunities wherever you turn. If you're faced with an impossible situation, you just channel your energy elsewhere. This is an excellent time to plan a trip to someplace exotic. Don't be deterred by gloomy shut-ins who are rife with stories of disastrous trips. Your upbeat attitude will ward off trouble.

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Having a secret isn't necessarily a bad thing, especially if it will hurt someone else. It's better to attend to business behind-the-scenes, where your activities won't worry friends, colleagues, or relatives. Sooner or later, you will have to go public with your activities. Right now, though, you are happiest when doing things in private. A clandestine relationship could add a dash of excitement to your life, but remember this is only temporary.

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Showing off your quirky side proves most satisfying; even your best friends are surprised by your antics. You're so tired of going along with the crowd, and no wonder. You're far too innovative to pattern your life after everyone else's. Cautious types may frown at your behaviour, but that's because they are frightened by your free-wheeling attitude. What they don't understand is that the spontaneous folks have all the fun.

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You're very sensitive about your public image, and it's no wonder. It feels like everybody is judging you right now. What you don't realise is that most people size you up favourably. Take pride in your talents, and show them off more readily. You can't possibly gain the recognition you deserve if you continue to underplay your creative efforts. Pattern your behaviour after an assertive, go-ahead man you have always admired.

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