
It feels as if you don't have a moment to call your own. Everyone wants something from you and you can't do right for doing wrong. There's a danger of you spending too long on other peoples' affairs and not enough time concentrating on your own endeavours. What you need to do is find a secluded place where you can be on your own and consider truthfully, where your priorities really lie.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Some people might be happy to laze about, doing nowt, but you need to feel useful today. Volunteer for a charity, help a neighbour, contact a friend you haven't seen lately. Welcome visitors who drop in unannounced as they could have some good news to share. The day should bring happy events your way as long as you don't allow an idle companion's influence to rub off on you.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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With you having so many heavy obligations outside your home at the moment, the last thing you need is trouble on the domestic front. There may be some mix-up about who is supposed to do what and when. Domestic chores aren't too burdensome as long as everyone keeps on top of them. Draw up a chart and make sure that you and the rest of your family, stick to it.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You might receive some great news from someone who lives some distance away and immediately you will start making arrangements for a special journey. A loved one might object to your plans but allow them to influence you and you will be setting yourself up for a disappointment. Your outlook is upbeat. Don't let anyone pull you down.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Before agreeing to anything of a legal or financial nature, shop around and you could get a better deal. You owe it to yourself to make certain that you get the best for your money. Whether it's for a service someone is doing for you or a loan you're currently negotiating, don't settle for anything until you know you've agreed the best deal you can get.

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You need to be persistent and patient if trying to persuade your partner into agreeing to something special. Don't think that in making too many demands on a relationship, it's likely to dissolve in front of your eyes. If something's important enough to you and your partner realises this too, you will get their support. Before the day ends, you and a loving tie could be making some exciting plans for the future.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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If working today, it may mean missing out on some travel plans you had been making with the family. You're starting to feel as if you aren't in charge of your life any more and this could change your perspective towards your job. If you seem in constant demand from your boss and colleagues alike, don't take this lying down. Consult a Union Representative if you have one and push for better working conditions.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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It's a weekend so why don't you relax, loosen up and pamper yourself a little? Some forms of entertainment could turn out to be more expensive than expected but when you look back on all the fun you've had today, you won't begrudge this one bit. Romance receives a boost and someone close announces a wedding date or pregnancy.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Hosting a get-together in your home might not have been your idea , but it's one of those days when enjoyment comes from the areas you least expected. There's a celebratory mood within the family and discussions include a new D.I.Y. project. This could be a lot of fun if you can get a group of like-minded people working together.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It's a good weekend for tying up loose-ends and getting neglected tasks out of the way. As you mechanically go about your everyday business, your thoughts are likely to turn inward and you might come up with some interesting plans for the start of March. You might also decide to look into the pros and cons of working from home.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You will get to meet and talk to some interesting individuals today. Someone might try to persuade you to develop a creative talent or mental skill that you've never thought was that brilliant. If, however, this person sounds as if they know what they're talking about, be sure to pay attention. Don't allow modesty to get in the way of your personal advancement.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're making headway towards personal objectives so why not take a well deserved break today? You're being too hard on yourself if you insist on pursuing matters that could and should be left until Monday. Book a massage, find that novel you've been meaning to read or hunt out the craft project that was a Christmas gift you never got started. Leisure pastimes are rewarding and relaxing too.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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