
Getting an advanced degree can increase your income. Choose a field that honestly appeals to you. Going where you think the money will be could backfire spectacularly. The key to being financially successful is putting your heart into your work. Even if you are pursuing a job to finance a dream, you should still pick a profession that gives you a profound sense of satisfaction. You'll do very well in any sphere of work that requires you to think on your feet.

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An influential person will help you financially. If someone offers to loan you a large sum of cash, accept. This is your chance to realise your creative potential. You will have an opportunity to pay back this debt. Right now, you have to focus on developing your artistic talent. Whether this means studying with a talented teacher, relocating to a big metropolis or taking up a different line of work is immaterial. The important thing is to take a risk.

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This is a good time to do some research. You'll uncover some secret information that benefits you. Don't share this knowledge with others. You're not the type who likes to withhold facts, but this situation is the exception to the rule. You have an opportunity to land an impressive job. Being the first applicant will greatly improve your chances for success. You'll make a great impression on an interview, especially if you learn as much as you can about your prospective employer.

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Joining forces with a close friend is strongly advised. You'll do a great job with a creative project. You have a great sense about what the public wants, while your partner has impressive skills. Together, you'll attract lots of favourable publicity. It's even possible you'll get a lucrative job offer. Getting paid to exercise your imagination will bring out the best in you. Not only will the salary be good, it could give you a chance to travel overseas as well.

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Signing a professional contract will bring long term security. You're tired of moving from pillar to post. Taking a position with a profitable company will allow you to move up the ladder to success. Part of you is wary about committing to a job, but you won't find the arrangement too conflicting. You will be able to save money and you'll be able to take some relaxing holidays. When you are working, you'll enjoy the challenge of attracting loyal customers and clients.

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A lawsuit will be decided in your favour. You'll finally be able to pay some bills and make plans for the future. If you've been longing to take a trip, now is the time to book it. Visiting a country known for its natural beauty will be inspiring. Obey an impulse to start a book, make a series of paintings or compose some songs. It's important for you to cultivate your creative side. When you don't, you become irritable and quarrelsome.

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Putting money into a savings account gives you a comforting sense of security. Although you deeply love luxury, you don't want to spend all your money as soon as it comes in. Automatically diverting a set percentage of your pay into a saving account is strongly advised. Slowly but surely, your nest egg will grow. This fund will allow you to purchase a home, get an advanced degree, travel the world or retire early. Set a lofty goal and then move towards it.

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Taking on a business partner will work well. You want someone to do the heavy lifting while you attend to the big picture. Joining forces with a Taurean or Capricorn will take some annoying jobs off your plate. If you're already part of a professional alliance, you should rejoice. Your partner will earn a handsome profit, which indirectly benefits you. Use the money for a luxury purchase you've been craving. Splash out on jewellery, beautiful clothes or a spa treatment.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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This is a great time to expand your professional skills. Learning how to operate a software program or complicated piece of machinery will increase your earning potential. Be open to venturing into a different area of your current field. You're incredibly versatile. Staying in your present position will stop you from developing your potential. The more aspects of the business you understand, the more desirable you will be to an employment agency.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Taking a trip with your romantic partner will be lots of fun. Choose a destination that appeals to you both. It won't be much fun if one of you stays in the hotel while the other tours museums or battlefields. Fortunately, you have lots of things in common with your amour. Capitalise on them. Are you single? You'll meet someone special while visiting a city famous for its art, culture and restaurants. Be willing to make the first move. The object of your affection is shy.

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Improving the amenities in your household will make your life much easier. Obey an impulse to upgrade the electrical or plumbing system. If you want to build an additional room, do that. The results will make you very happy. Don't be surprised when you feel compelled to spend more time at home after this work is finished. Your living space will feel more inviting, relaxing and inspiring. Invite people over to share your enjoyment. Hosting movie nights will appeal to your social side.

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You could be profiled in a newspaper or magazine article. Someone might even write a blog post about you. It's gratifying to know your work is appreciated. Take this opportunity to promote a cause or a piece of art you really enjoy. It's easy to feel overwhelmed in the information age. So many upsetting stories fill our news feed each day. By directing people to an inspirational movement, book or movie, you'll be shining a light in the darkness.

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