
A desire to break away from the crowd will have unfortunate consequences for your best friend, romantic or business partner. This isn't a good time to obey your rebellious instincts. Blending in will help you avoid trouble. You will have a chance to exercise your independence later. Right now, it's better to be a team player. Think of yourself as part of a larger whole. Selfish behaviour will do irreparable damage to a relationship that serves you well. Be considerate of those closest to you.

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Running off to a secluded hideaway is not the solution to your problems. You have to face your problems. This means confronting a colleague who has been undermining your confidence and impeding your progress. You don't have to get into a loud argument, but you should draw a healthy boundary. If this barrier is crossed, file an official complaint. There's no reason you should have to suffer indignities because of this pest. Standing up for yourself will make you feel more confident.

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It feels like you're getting lost in the shuffle. Don't be a shrinking violet be more assertive. There are still benefits from collaborating with a bunch of creative people. You have a tendency to get easily distracted. Members of the team help you to stay focused and work through problems. Although it is sometimes difficult to be heard, you usually get your message across. Work through this tumultuous phase. Better times are ahead. You will soon be glad you stuck with these innovators.

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Lashing out at people who have no power is a terrible mistake. It's understandable that you are frustrated. Nobody seems to be obeying orders or doing their jobs. Instead of getting angry, be philosophical. What accounts for this low morale? Is there something you can do to make people feel more engaged with their work? Try praising those who are trying to do their best under difficult conditions. A little encouragement will go a long way. Everybody needs to feel appreciated.

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You wonder about somebody who is always behaving unethically. It's so tiresome to have to correct their abuses. Unfortunately, there's very little you can do to change a person who has no conscience. The best you can do is stay as far away from this troublemaker as possible. Surround yourself with conscientious people who try to be good citizens. When your resident manipulator tries taking advantage of the group, everyone can band together to defend themselves.

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Acting on your physical desires will be cause for regret. Although you are a very sensual person, it is important to know when to indulge this side of yourself. Right now, the object of your affection needs your emotional support, not romantic overtures. Set aside your needs and lend a sympathetic ear. Being a good listener will strengthen your bond and make it easier to connect later on. Think back to a time when a friend helped you out of the doldrums. Pattern your behaviour after theirs.

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When stress begins to mount, we often take out our frustrations on those who are closest to us. Resist this urge. You have every right to be angry. A relative hasn't been treating you well and you're tired of their abuse. Unfortunately, it isn't easy to confront the source of the problem. As a result, you have started to snipe at somebody who has always been good to you. Recognise this tendency and nip it in the bud. Ask your friend for some extra tender loving care.

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Resist the temptation to abandon a piece of work because it isn't perfect. Let yourself make mistakes. Resign yourself to generate several drafts. Keep all the work you perform, as you will go back and rescue bits and pieces later. Nothing will be wasted. The learning process is ongoing. Even if you're performing a job you've done many times in the past, it will be necessary to make some alternations to this particular performance. Be patient and forgiving with yourself.

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People aren't receptive to your creative contributions. They think you're being too wild and irreverent. Instead of defending your work, set it aside for a rainy day. You'll be able to find a more enthusiastic audience after a long interlude. While you're waiting for tempers to subside, you should turn your attention to someone who is struggling. Providing practical help like a gift card or bag of groceries can go a long way towards easing their distress. Focusing on others can soothe your ego.

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You're highly sensitive and should take sarcastic comments with a healthy dose of salt. Someone who is just teasing doesn't deserve your wrath. If your feelings are bruised, do something kind for yourself. It's the best way to bolster your self esteem. Normally, you're able to joke with the best of the group. Because you haven't been taking care of yourself, it's easy to overreact. Treat yourself to a gourmet meal. Splash out on a new outfit. Buy a ticket to an upcoming concert.

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You should take care not to blurt out angry thoughts. Someone's annoying behaviour is driving you to distraction. Unfortunately, you will have to work together for the foreseeable future. That's why it's so important to maintain a friendly tone. Expressing aggravation will only create hurt feelings. The person who is pestering you means well but lacks social skills. By being kind and compassionate, you can help them overcome their awkward behaviour.

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Don't leave a secure job for a position that may never pan out. It's important to be practical regarding money matters. Knowing when your next pay day will arrive brings a welcome sense of security. Although you are a whimsical person, you must counterbalance your impulses with other forms of stability. Having a regular income allows you to save and make plans for the future. If you've been longing to take a trip, start putting away funds now so you can travel in style.

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