
Don't be too pushy with a friend or romantic partner. Always insisting on taking the lead will create terrible resentment. Insist they choose the movie, restaurant or outing. At first, they'll defer to you. That's only because they've been conditioned to follow you. Resist the temptation to stay in the driver's seat. Things will go better if you play second fiddle from time to time. If you're single, you may meet someone special at a sporting event, casino or concert.

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Arguing over religion and politics is pointless. Everyone thinks their point of view is the correct one. If you continue down this path, you will say something you will regret. This isn't a good time to do business with overseas clients. Cultural differences can cause tremendous misunderstandings. Stick close to home, where you are known and appreciated. Splashing out on beautiful furniture or artwork is a strong possibility.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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A former romantic partner is jealous. You're tired of eluding their annoying attentions. It may be necessary to threaten an injunction order to scare them off. Keep a detailed record of their unwanted communications. The more the authorities know, the easier it will be for them to protect you. Good news about a creative project will lift your spirits. You'll have an opportunity to showcase your work at a gallery, boutique or museum. Get ready for your close up!

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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A serious disagreement with your business or romantic partner will weigh on your heart. You hate conflict, but sometimes it is inevitable. Having a rewarding home life has always been a top priority for you. If your friend doesn't support this desire, that's unfortunate. You're not about to change your values to satisfy somebody else. Be your own advocate. Nobody else will defend your interests, so stop waiting to be rescued.

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You must take safety precautions when working with heavy machinery and sharp tools. The last thing you need is a trip to the emergency room. You may not realise it, but you have a tremendous impact on your colleagues. If people see you take the trouble to protect your health, they will follow suit. Blow off steam with friends after work. It will be a relief to laugh and have fun with people who understand your sense of humour.

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You're tempted to take a gamble, but this will be disastrous. It's best to err on the side of caution. You have a tendency to get bogged down in routine. Getting a change of scenery will be refreshing. Go ahead and spend a little more money than usual on entertaining diversions. Your moneymaking prospects are strong. Working for a hospital, university or government agency will bring in a steady income.

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It may be necessary to put a home repair project on hold. A repair professional could uncover a problem that needs immediate attention. Resist the temptation to ignore this issue. Although it will be expensive to fix, prolonging this repair job will cost even more money. If the thought of spending so much makes you nervous, call up a humorous friend. It will be a relief to be with someone who doesn't take life too seriously. Take a page from their book.

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Transportation problems can be a headache. Be sure to check the traffic report before embarking on a long trip. It may be better to delay your departure if an accident has caused a big backup. Keep your mobile charged and have a list of contact numbers ready, just in case you have to tell somebody you're going to be late. This is crucial if you have a professional appointment. You don't want people to think you have a cavalier attitude towards time.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Keep valuable possessions under lock and key. Stow bags in the boot of your car or a thief will be tempted to smash the window. You're not an especially materialistic person, but it will pay to protect your possessions. If you're unhappy with your financial situation, resist the urge to ask for a raise. Your employer isn't in a good mood and you don't want to get into their bad graces. If you want to spoil yourself, head for the library and stock up on pleasure reading.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Demanding special treatment will cause resentment. Instead of making a fuss when things don't go your way, stay cool. People will respect your ability to keep your temper in a frustrating situation. If you get terrible service, write a letter to the manager. Outline all of your complaints. You could get a handsome refund for your pains. The powers that be are much more likely to respond to negative feedback if it is delivered in a calm, reasonable fashion.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Challenging the status quo will be more trouble than it's worth. Instead of rallying the troops, just go with the flow. The sooner you dispatch a difficult job, the better. Someone who pretends to have superior knowledge will be extremely annoying. Turn a deaf ear to their smug comments. A powerful executive who observes your restraint could offer you a terrific work assignment. There is usually a silver lining to every cloud.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Don't get involved in secret intrigues. Although you crave excitement, there are better ways to get it. Discourage a friend from telling you the sordid details of a love affair. The less information you have, the more soundly you will sleep. Fortunately, you have plenty of work to keep you busy. Focus on a challenging project that requires you to think outside the box. A luxury product or service aimed at couples will be very profitable.

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