
It may be necessary to flatly deny the demands of a colleague or relative. Someone is striving to have more control in their personal or professional life because there are other things going on that seem so out of their control. If their behaviour is allowed to continue, they will adopt the mindset that their way is always best. This will make it hard to live or work with them. It will be a challenge to maintain a long term relationship unless they change their outlook.

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It's never too late to get back in touch and embrace your playful side. If it seems like ages since you and your partner or family had a good laugh together, watch some funny movies or TV shows, share a few jokes or remind each other of all the times when you did have a lot of fun. Plan something soon that might recapture those relaxed and playful moments. A friend is waiting for you to contact them: a simple text message will do.

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You aren't going to discover how relationships work by reading romantic novels or watching Hollywood movies. Finding and maintaining a compatible long term partner will take effort and experience. It's impossible to compare your relationship with anyone else's because each is individual and different. Work on how you might share everything equally and how to respect each other's differences. Stop turning to friends for advice when you will find the answers you need within your heart.

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Relationships are a big part of your life; you should never feel guilty about making this a priority. If a friend or loved one needs you, it won't seem too big a sacrifice to push other commitments aside for them. If something has bothered someone long enough that they are reaching out to you and having long conversations over it, you will find a way to help them deal with this problem and ease their mind.

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You're starting to secretly resent someone for not being there for you when you need them. Is it asking too much to just want to go for a walk together or share some time alone with no one and nothing to disturb you? If a partner's taken on so much that you hardly see each other, the situation won't get any better unless they make some drastic changes. If this is a relatively new relationship, it might be better to end it now before you get serious about each other.

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An issue is too sensitive for you to feel comfortable to talk about even if someone is urging you to do so. The point is, if you would prefer to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself. No one should feel they have a right to force you to reveal what's on your mind. The more they push, the more you will withdraw into yourself and quite rightly too. As it is, they're unlikely to be happy with what you say so it would be better to keep silent, anyway.

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If you're convinced you know someone has lied or has been cheating on you, isn't it time to bring it out into the open? You're only wasting your time and theirs by pretending a situation is better than it is. It would be easy to bury your head in the sand for years and then suddenly realise you've wasted a big part of your life on someone who isn't right for you. Equally, if you don't have any proof to back your suspicions, don't take action you might regret.

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Your strategy for dealing with a complex situation is to keep postponing until another day. If you still haven't found the opportunity to fulfil a promise made some time ago, the right time is never going to come along. If you're dreading having to make a decision or commitment and wish you'd never got into this situation, you aren't doing yourself any favours by letting it continue. If others understand you've made a big mistake you might class this as a lucky escape.

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A loan or donation or even doing work over and beyond the call of duty will not buy any special favours. Your boss isn't going to single you out for promotion because you've been putting yourself out to please them. A colleague will quickly forget how you helped ease their workload when you suddenly find yourself competing against each other. It won't be the first time you feel let down in this way, but your conscience is clear. Keep that at the forefront of your mind.

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Knowing what's important for other people really matters but your views and values are important too. A partner is leaving it to you to sort out the financial and practical side of your relationship so they can do what they want without having to think about the consequences. Before getting burned by a partner's lack of awareness of financial matters, insist on paying all joint expenses 50:50. Why should you finance a relationship while the other person is splashing out on themselves and having fun?

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Dealing with problems that weren't of your making will test your resilience to its limits. You could always walk away and leave others to clear up the mess they made but they're struggling and need help. You don't give up easily and will do your best to come through whatever you are dealing with. Other people will admire you for getting involved because you had a choice while they didn't.

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If you don't want to be with someone anymore, why delay the inevitable? You can still be sensitive while being honest. If you've been together for some time, expect tears and some in depth discussion. After all, you owe it to them to explain why you feel the way you do. You could never just dismiss someone because you no longer want to be with them. You have a responsibility to be truthful and to respect their need for answers.

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