
The loss of a friendship feels like a personal failure. Don't beat yourself up. Although you didn't handle a difficult situation as well as you could have, the responsibility isn't all yours. Dealing with an emotionally needy person was draining you of valuable energy. Now this relationship has fallen by the wayside, you'll be able to fully focus on your family responsibilities again. Your romantic partner and relatives will welcome you back into the fold. Accept their comfort and reassurance.

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You're seeing small improvements with your daily routine, but they're hardly gratifying. It feels like you've put in a great deal of effort for minimal results. Try not to fall victim to despair. Giving up at this juncture would be a real mistake. If you're under employed, that will change. One or two jobs will lead to bigger and better opportunities. Are you recovering from an illness? Slow and steady will win the race. Sprinting past your problems isn't possible; deal with them one at a time.

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A few setbacks have taken the wind out of your sails. Give yourself some time to grieve your losses. Usually, you're very resilient and quickly bounce back from adversity. That won't be the case now, when you're tired and overwhelmed. As a result, it's important to be good to yourself. Take some time off work. Enjoy a nap when you feel tired and luxuriate in a scented bath. Make some comfort food. Don't be rushed by people who want things done on their timetable with no regard to yours.

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Financial concerns are undermining your enjoyment of life. Instead of worrying about paying the bills, count your blessings. Give thanks for having food, shelter and other basic needs. When you cultivate contentment, you'll attract abundance. It's an unwritten law of the Universe. Many people would be grateful to be in your situation. This is not to discount serious concerns. Resist the temptation to beat yourself up or blame others for your situation. Instead, stay in the moment.

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Be wary about signing a contract or taking on a partner. You're dealing with someone who is not trustworthy. Although they seem open and sincere, they might very well have a hidden agenda. When it comes to doing business or spending money, stick with someone who has demonstrated their loyalty. This may not be the most dynamic alliance, but it will be profitable. Continue to closely review bank statements and ask questions about any unusual activity.

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Adjusting to a new situation is more difficult than you thought. It feels like you're a fish out of water. The people you're dealing with are highly illogical. Showing them facts and figures doesn't seem to affect their beliefs. Instead of banging your head against a brick wall, continue to focus on your own work. Sooner or later, your assertions will be proved correct. At that point, you'll be given a greater measure of control over your work. Your peers will also look at you with newfound respect.

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An emotional conflict is coming to a head. You're tired of being continually 'managed' by people who can't even manage their own life. Instead of subjecting yourself to their nonsense, look for a way out. Report their behaviour, find another job or confront them in a public setting. People respect you. They know you are kind, fair and diplomatic. It's not your style to create drama. When you complain about oppressive treatment, it's because there's a serious problem.

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An unscrupulous person can wreak havoc in your life. Don't get drawn into a debate on social media. This provocateur will cause you to say something you'll soon regret. Avoid trouble by staying away from Facebook and Twitter. Turn your attention to activities that make you feel productive. Putting up Christmas decorations, preparing holiday treats and listening to festive music will keep your spirits high. Such activities will also be a welcome distraction from this toxic individual.

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An ambitious person will do anything to get ahead, including betraying you. Beware of a magnetic individual who heaps you with compliments. There is an ulterior motive here. You're independent by nature. Continue to march to the beat of your own drum. If someone asks for a recommendation or endorsement, issue a polite refusal. Joining forces with this manipulator will be cause for serious regret. The best way to protect your sterling reputation is to listen to your conscience, treat others fairly and turn a deaf ear to flattery.

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An embarrassing situation will tempt you to go into hiding. You'll make a much better impression by holding your head high and issuing a sincere apology. You will get a chilly reception, but people will thaw when they see you are changing your ways. After you've fulfilled your responsibilities, retreat to a quiet place where you can hear yourself think. Reconnecting with your spiritual side will help you get through a difficult time. Everyone makes mistakes. How you deal with them is the important thing.

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Don't give into fear. Anxiety is a waste of valuable time and energy. Instead of expecting the worst, practice the power of positive thinking. This will seem naive in the early stages, but stick with adopting an optimistic attitude. Recite positive affirmations, read inspiring books and listen to uplifting music. Slowly but surely, you'll have the courage to confront a challenging situation. Once you steel yourself to face the facts, your problem will seem relatively manageable.

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Someone will cancel plans at the last minute, throwing your schedule in disarray. Let this be a valuable lesson. Continuing to make time in your busy schedule for an inconsiderate person is a mistake. Stop being so accommodating. Instead of dwelling on your resentment, do something nice for yourself. Use your unexpected free time to watch a movie, enjoy some comfort food or visit a public garden. When you treat yourself well, others will follow suit. Acting like a martyr will drive opportunity from your door.

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