
You may have fallen on hard times in the past but you still have great expectations. You won't ever give up on your hopes. If you aren't too busy you might spare a little time for a housemate or neighbour who could do with your help or advice. You're the only one who seems to know what they are going through and since you sense how nervous they are about an approaching event or interview, you can put their mind at ease as to what they might do.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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You feel privileged to get the chance to meet someone with a wealth of talent and experience. Just observing their methods, skills and dexterity will give you ideas on how you might perfect your own efforts in certain directions. Finishing work on a creative project will be a load off your mind. Even if you do get help at the very end you will still do a great job and 90% of the work has been yours. Do something special for yourself as a reward.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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What is lacking in your life to make you feel so restless and unable to settle? Adding a new erotic dimension to your love life could boost a romantic relationship. Cutting back your work schedule so you can spend more time with your children, pet or housemates will make you feel life isn't all work and no play. Mixing with creative, fun loving types will give you a fresh perspective on your own relationship needs.

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It doesn't look as if you're going to get much opposition to new plans you decide to start on today. It could go either way and much depends on whether or not family and others who matter support you. You might feel ever so slightly nervous about what some people's reactions might be and delighted to discover they're behind you all the way. It turns out there was no need to tiptoe around as you were doing earlier in the day!

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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If someone more powerful than you is blocking your progress there's nothing you can do about it today. Even so there are ways to get around them; you just need to be discreet and a little cunning. News you hear might seem as if you've been putting a lot of effort in the wrong direction. It will be tricky but with these conditions, you can turn things round to your advantage. You just have to wait until the opportunity is right. It's all a matter of timing.

Get todays Leo horoscope
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Someone's keen to help you with a skill you're struggling with; don't be too proud to accept their help. You won't ever play the helpless victim and others would never accuse you of this. Even so you won't help yourself by not accepting aid; deep down you know this too. If you noticed anyone needing your assistance you wouldn't hesitate to offer it, just as there is someone today who would like to lend you a hand.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Strategy is not just about having a goal in mind; it's how you approach the situation and plan for your success. If you look back at past failures you might see ways you could have improved the situation. Whether it is working on your physical fitness or building up a team spirit in a joint endeavour, focus on your fundamental performance now to bring about the goals you're setting yourself for the future.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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It is possible to get what you want but be patient. Don't expect to get it all at once. Even if the light at the end of the tunnel still seems some way off, you shouldn't let this deter you. It's not good to compare your efforts or achievements with others who have had more time, help or opportunity. Instead focus on what you really want for yourself and don't give up on the idea that you will get it.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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What's got into someone to make them so angry or antagonistic? Their tendency to overreact could cause problems between you and someone you care for. You may have wanted to make this day special but the way another person is acting, it's pointless even trying. Romantic, social or family plans seem destined to failure all because of another person's moody behaviour. Try to keep a hold of your sense of humour.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're hard put to see the positive aspects of the changes ahead. No matter how you try to see it from another person's point of view, you can still see flaws in what they are suggesting. Crucial in terms of establishing yourself a more secure future is that you get your worries across before it is too late to do so. Even if some changes are inevitable, you could at least suggest ways to make them more palatable for everyone.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Someone you've always admired and respected shows a side to their nature which isn't so great today! You are left with quite a dilemma. Are they showing themselves in their true colours or could it be they aren't their normal selves? Despite their strange words or actions, they're still the person you've always known them to be. Confusing circumstances wreak havoc with your judgement. Time will tell.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Don't assume your expectations of how other people might think and react today will be correct. It is entirely possible someone will make a choice or decision that is the exact opposite to what you were expecting. This could ruin all your plans when they had featured largely in your future. Now it seems you must go ahead with some ideas without them. It will take time to work out how you feel about this.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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