
A legal settlement is within reach. You'll be glad to make a few compromises for the sake of resolving this issue. Once this matter has been addressed, you'll be able to make personal plans. Taking a trip to a glamorous city could be in the cards. Visiting restaurants, theatres and shops will be a welcome diversion from petty problems. By the time you return home, you'll be in much better shape to handle mundane responsibilities. You'll go through paperwork like a hot knife through butter.

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A job search will be more fruitful than it has over the past few weeks. You'll get at least two intriguing offers. Go with the one that involves more creative fulfilment. You're extremely artistic and need an outlet for your imagination. It will be challenging to get used to a new environment. You're a creature of habit that is nervous of unfamiliar surroundings. Give yourself time to establish a routine. Slowly but surely, you'll make friends and powerful alliances.

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Your love life is starting to improve. Misunderstandings that kept you apart from your amour have vanished into thin air. Now you can move into the future together. Going on a holiday is strongly advised. Nothing inspires passion like a beautiful change of scenery. Are you single? You'll start attracting admirers again after a dry period. Going on a date will be a lot more fun than you expect. A mutual interest in music, movies and books will keep the conversation flowing.

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It's time to reschedule household repairs that had to be put on hold. You'll be so happy when things are up and running again. Home has always been an extension of yourself. When things aren't working properly, you get nervous and irritable. You start lashing out at loved ones and become distracted in your work. That's why it's so important to hire seasoned professionals. Getting the job done right will allow you to focus on other concerns you've let fall by the wayside.

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You'll be busy running errands, returning phone calls and catching up on email correspondence. Recently, you've been busy making continual adjustments to a changing project. Now you're able to finish this job, you'll be able to resume your regularly scheduled life. Stock the pantry, call your best friend and respond to a party invitation. Being able to focus on your personal life will be a welcome relief. It's hard to relax when you're out of touch with your nearest and dearest.

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Money matters become more straightforward. Getting paid for work you performed weeks ago will be a profound relief. You were starting to worry you would never see these funds. After you've paid some bills, you'll be able to splash out on some luxury items. It will be terrific to buy some gorgeous artwork and flourishing plants for your home. Creating a tranquil haven from work will be your first priority. Do everything in your power to reduce the stress of professional life.

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At long last, you'll be able to say what you really feel. Lately, you've had to hide your disdain for people who always have plenty to say, but don't really know what they are talking about. Now you can take the gloves off and be honest. You'll get lots of support for this outburst. You may not realise it, but everyone has been struggling alongside you. They've shared your frustration. After you speak up, you'll be able to attain the perfection you desire, instead of turning in mediocre work.

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Focus on private matters that make you uncomfortable. It's time to cut ties with a person who is always undermining your confidence. Although they always pretend to be concerned for your welfare, they're actually intent on limiting your potential. Think back on your conversations. Are you always discussing perceived injustices? Do you feel better or worse after these talks? Have these exchanges made you feel hopeful about the future? Do you need to make some new friends?

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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After a period of indecision, you have a better idea of where you want to go. Pursuing a dream will require a profound shift in thinking. Instead of dwelling on your misgivings, you have to assume you are going to be victorious. The more self assured you are, the easier it will be to vault over obstacles. When you encounter an especially difficult challenge, join forces with a friend with excellent negotiation skills. With their help, you'll be able to get your way around a limiting rule.

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A confusing chain of command has been straightened out. It will be a relief to understand who is in charge of what at work. If you've been making plans to get ahead at work, now is a good time to put them into effect. Compile a list of references, update your CV and apply for a high profile job. Don't be afraid to pursue an opportunity that is outside your current field. Your leadership skills can be easily transferred to a number of different industries.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Expanding your knowledge is rewarding. You'll enjoy working with someone you respect. Although you don't share all their views, you will look at life differently after taking their course. If you feel inspired to blog about your impressions, do so. This could serve as the framework for a magazine article or book. You have a way of attracting attention with offbeat opinions and provocative statements. The secret to your success is being totally different from everyone else.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Money that has been owed to you will finally be deposited in your bank account. This is a tremendous victory. It wasn't easy for you to stand up for your rights. In the past, you let bullies walk all over you. That phase has passed. Learning how to defend your interests has been empowering. Bullies who used to take advantage of your soft heart won't be able to abuse you any longer. Give yourself a handsome reward for turning this corner.

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