
Don't let perfectionist tendencies cause you to give up on a project. By forging forward relentlessly you'll produce some impressive work that attracts lots of positive attention. Once people see the fruits of your labour, you'll get lots more job offers. Resist the temptation to accept too many assignments at once. By maintaining a sensible workload, you'll be able to satisfy customers and earn a good living. Best of all, you'll begin to enjoy your work.

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Your romantic partner will give you constructive criticism. Be sure to take this advice, as it will greatly improve your creative work. You enjoy creating things that are both practical and beautiful. By changing your technique just a little, you'll be able to market your handiwork online or in a boutique. Use this additional income to buy something you've been lusting after for months. This extravagant purchase will give your confidence a much needed boost.

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Being of service to a sick relative is fulfilling. You enjoy making your patient comfortable. Running errands, preparing nourishing meals and making sure they take their medicine will help this family member recover in record time. It may be necessary to take time off work to be of assistance. Fortunately, this won't be a problem. Getting a change of pace will be therapeutic. You have a tendency to get tunnel vision when you perform the same duties day after day.

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Before embarking on a trip, you should make detailed plans and preparations. Instead of hoping a hotel will have space for you, make a reservation and be sure to get a confirmation number. Similarly, you should check out the best route to take. A little preparation will save time, money and aggravation. Once you arrive at your destination, you'll want to feel rested and relaxed. This can't happen if you have to battle traffic. It is in your own best interests to avoid the avoidable.

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You're exacting in money matters. Don't get started on a project until you have a signed contract outlining what you will be paid and when you will receive compensation. If the person you're trying to do business with becomes evasive, you should look elsewhere for your employment. The last thing you want is to chase down money that is owed to you. A quick Internet search will tell you whether a would be client is reliable or not.

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People trust you to develop ideas and carry them out flawlessly. You take great pride in delivering superior results. If you want to go into business for yourself, you'll have no trouble attracting a loyal clientele. Don't sacrifice your personal life for professional success. You fare best when you have a comfortable home to counterbalance career demands. Having one foot planted firmly in each world will make you a better worker, friend, parent and lover.

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Your ability to spot small flaws makes you a valuable member of the team. While everyone else focuses on the big picture, you should zero in on the tiny details. When you see a mistake, be quick to fix it. By the time this work reaches its intended audience, it will get an enthusiastic reception. Everyone will point to you as the most valuable member of the team. That's because you're able to shed light on problems in a tactful way.

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Friends will help you in your quest for romance. Accept a loved one's offer to set you up on a date. You'll be pleasantly surprised with their choice for you. In the past, you gravitated towards rebellious types that broke your heart. Fortunately, your nearest and dearest have better judgement. Be open to having dinner with a pragmatic, practical person blessed with a great sense of humour. You'll feel a powerful connection that bodes well for the future.

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The best way to win the confidence of your superiors is to be organised, efficient and prompt. You have a casual approach to work that puts peers and clients at ease. When it comes to your boss, you should adopt a different approach. Demonstrating your ability to take work seriously will pave the way for a big promotion. Although you hate putting on an act, it's the best way to get the power, pay and position you deserve.

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Your advanced knowledge makes you a love magnet. Someone who admires your mastery will come forward to express their admiration. It's flattering to be put on a pedestal. Use this boost of confidence to accept another challenge. Learning a foreign language, getting an advanced degree and writing a book are among the possibilities. An ambitious person like you should never rest on your laurels. Continue your quest to reach new heights.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Leaning on your romantic partner for support is strongly advised. You've always prized your independence, but being self-sufficient has taken a toll on you. Conserve your resources by asking for help. Your amour will be happy to run errands or relieve you of a dreaded chore. This will give you an opportunity to focus on a matter that is close to your heart. Repairing a family relationship will take a great weight off your mind.

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A hard working, exacting friend will help boost the level of your performance. Watch them carefully for ideas on improving your own efficiency. Making a detailed list of necessary supplies will save time and money. You should also break down complicated tasks into step by step jobs. This will keep you from feeling overwhelmed. By adopting a more organised approach to work, you'll have lots more leisure time.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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