
Money could be a major problem between you and a partner because one of you probably makes a lot more than the other. Resolving the difference can a challenge. If it's a matter of paying bills, try sharing the costs according to percentages, rather than splitting them down the middle. That may be the most equitable way of doing things. A brilliant idea could strike when you're performing a dull chore. Put your plans into action immediately.

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It feels as though something has come between you and a loved one. The more you try to solve the problem, the more strained things become. You're probably better off doing something nice for yourself. Treat yourself with a trip to the bookstore, park, or museum. If someone recommends a movie or novel, you'd be wise to follow it. You could use an entertaining diversion. It may be impossible to please an authority figure.

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It's tempting to throw yourself into work, but take care you don't go too far, too fast or you'll be burned out before the week has even started. While your resolve to scale a mountain of jobs is admirable, it is highly unrealistic. In addition, your health may be a bit delicate. Make an effort to exercise and eat right, and don't forget to get plenty of sleep. Go easy on someone who is having a hard job of disguising their admiration for you.

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A desire to be popular could get you in trouble. You'll have to make a difficult decision, and are bound to disappoint at least one person. Instead of taking the easy route, choose what's best for the entire group. This will be a bitter pill for most people to swallow, but at least you'll save your integrity. Don't worry. your adoring public will eventually come around. Until then, comfort yourself with a small gift, like a box of chocolates or some expensive cologne.

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Emotional security could be elusive, as you're being asked to navigate a potential minefield. It seems like you're bound to offend somebody, regardless of what you say. A well educated expert is especially prickly. Don't bother trying to win this person over to your side. Making a few self deprecating jokes may be the smartest strategy available. In the meantime, try to get away as quickly and gracefully as possible.

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You could get your wires crossed with someone important today. Missing a phone call, firing off an impulsive email, or forgetting an appointment may prove disastrous. The best thing you can do in this situation is to make a heartfelt apology and send a gift. Flowers, chocolates, a basket of fruit pick a tribute that seems appropriate to the situation. If all else fails, you can always take this person out to dinner.

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Money could be preying on your mind as it feels like you'll never make enough to be comfortable. Unfortunately, now is not the time to approach your boss for a raise. The prospect of finding a better paying job is faint, too. Your best bet is to economise. You'll find it much easier to attract wealth when you use your existing resources well. Steer clear of tempting shops and put your credit cards in a locked drawer.

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A murky household situation is playing with your emotions. You need a definitive answer. Confronting a relative or roommate may be the only solution. If you need to issue an ultimatum, do it now or this person will continue to play for time. A charming authority figure may not have the ability to pull off a complicated job. You may be asked to cover for her. This puts you in a very sticky situation.

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Keeping your emotions hidden is taking a toll on you. You're tired of pretending everything is fine when the reverse is true. Luckily, your family is poised to help you through this situation. Don't let a competitor make you feel unsophisticated or stupid; you have a lot more common sense than this person ever will. You have the added advantage of being funny and pleasant.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Trying to keep up with a wealthy female friend may be an exercise in futility because you have a lot less money to play with. The sooner you face this fact, the happier you'll both be. The next time she invites you somewhere you can't afford, tell the truth. If she doesn't respect your situation, it may be time to go your separate ways. There's no point going into debt for the sake of appearances.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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It feels like you've hit the glass ceiling with regard to a career matter. Instead of subjecting yourself to more bruises, back down for a bit. Take stock of your situation. You might realise there are better avenues available to you. The clearer you are about your goals, the easier it will be to achieve them. A sudden moneymaking opportunity feels like a light at the end of the tunnel. Although this job isn't close to your heart, it will provide welcome capital.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You feel as though you can't hold your own with certain people in your social circle. It seems as though they've seen and done so much more than you ever have. What you don't realise is you have tremendous creative powers. Focus on soaking up the atmosphere like a sponge. The more you listen and learn, the easier it will be to make a contribution. If you need another confidence boost, devote your free time to a hobby that gives you pleasure.

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