
An exercise regime makes you more energetic, not less. It will also increase your physical desire. If you have a romantic partner, you'll have difficulty keeping your hands off each other. A pointless argument will quickly turn into a passionate embrace. Work is important to you. That's why it's so impossible to have an attractive office environment. Invest in a comfortable chair and some inspirational artwork. Some thriving plants and family photos will complete the effect, causing ideas to flow freely.

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Intense desire for your romantic partner can't be contained. Plan to take yourself off to a private hideaway where you can let your passion run wild. It feels so good to be with someone who shares your sensual needs. Life is beautiful when you're physically satisfied. This is a good time to sign an agreement. You'll be able to negotiate much better terms than you were originally offered. Ask for what you deserve and stick to your guns. You're on the brink of a great victory.

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Be direct about addressing a family problem. A demanding relative is undermining your progress at work. You can't keep taking time off to come to this troublemaker's rescue. Until they get help for their problems, you must limit contact with them. This is a good time to negotiate a contract. Instead of getting pulled into an emotional argument, you make logical points that cannot be refuted. Once the other side realises you can't be manipulated, they'll give you what you want.

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If you must take a test, take time out of your busy schedule to study for it. You won't be able to absorb all this information the night before the exam. When you pass with flying colours, you'll have your choice of work assignments. You are drawn to the luxuries in life. Treat yourself to some beautiful clothes, furniture or artwork. Usually, when you get extra money, you spend it on your nearest and dearest. Indulge your desires first for a change.

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Going after a lucrative job is strongly advised. You have a deep love of luxury. Having a good income will allow you to indulge your love of beautiful clothes, furniture and artwork. If you want your own business, sell handmade items on an artisanal website. You're very receptive towards others. Listening closely to a relative will improve your relationship. At long last, you'll finally understand their motives. This will be helpful when you want to get them to do your bidding.

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Taking exercise makes your creative juices flow. Don't be surprised when a brilliant idea occurs to you while walking on the treadmill or enjoying a swim. Your mind and body are closely connected. When you're experiencing stagnation with one, try moving the other. Taking a course or attending a lecture series will give you the intellectual stimulation you crave. You're enormously intelligent. That's why it's important to try new things as often as possible. You don't want your intellect to grow stale.

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Changing your image takes time, energy and effort. It's easy for others to keep you in a pigeonhole. When you venture out of this role, they become upset. Don't let that cause you to backslide. Continue to move in a more rewarding direction. Your powers of concentration are enormous. Use them to acquire a valuable skill. Working with a patient teacher makes all the difference. It's easy to absorb information when you are relaxed and encouraged. This instructor is worth its weight in gold.

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Joining an exercise group will be enjoyable. Your energy soars when you're in the company of other active people. Resist the urge to compete. Focus on strengthening your own body. Slowly but surely, you'll see the results you want. Keep up the good work. Your fiery energy is extremely attractive. If you're looking for love, you'll have your choice of admirers. Falling head over heels in love with someone who is outspoken and passionate is a strong possibility.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A desire for professional prominence is causing you to work harder. Spending lots of time at the office is rewarding. Your efforts make a difference. Best of all, both your colleagues and superiors appreciate your contributions. You'll quickly get a promotion. Having a hidden aspect of your life is empowering. When you are with friends, you are free and open with your opinions. That's why everyone comes to you for advice. A secret hobby makes you feel less accessible. That's a good thing.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Working for a political, cultural or religious institution will be stimulating. People appreciate your heartfelt approach to your duties. They know you will go above and beyond the call of duty for important issues. You'll gain a reputation for being a thorough and talented professional. You're not sure if you want to get involved in a serious relationship at this point. Having fun with someone is all you want. It's not time to make a commitment; you're still getting to know each other.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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It's important to fight for your fair share of a joint fund. A manipulative person will try to take all the money for themselves. Not only is this unfair, but it sets a dangerous precedent. It's important to establish yourself as an unmovable force. Fame and acclaim are coming your way. Your employer respects your work ethic. They appreciate how you will stay late until a job is finished. Don't be surprised when you're given a raise, promotion or both.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Taking responsibilities off your partner's plate will draw you closer together. It's pleasing and satisfying to give practical assistance to your amour, who is usually the one who has their feet on the ground. Anticipating their needs will allow them to attend to a personal matter. Your way with words makes you a popular figure. People adore how you make them laugh, even during the darkest times. Don't be surprised when someone asks you to write a column or record a podcast.

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