
You prefer to stay in a quiet place where you can hear yourself think. Making plans for the future is exciting, but it's important to obey your intuition. Friends and family are eager to offer their opinions, but nobody can make such important choices for you. If you're contemplating a different career, keep it secret for a while. You should be inwardly resolved about this change before announcing it. That way, you'll be prepared to defend your decision with confidence.

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Spending time with fellow humanitarians is empowering. It's important to mix with people who share your values and concerns. Don't get drawn into gloomy news broadcasts that insist everything is bleak. So many individuals are working hard to make the world a better place. By making the effort to recognise and commend these people, you'll feel much happier. Think about joining an overseas trip to dig wells, build housing or offer medical assistance to an impoverished country.

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You'll have to draw on your creativity, compassion and intuition. Someone who needs to navigate a complicated system will ask for your help. You'll have to use a system of trial and error before you figure out how it works. Be patient and remember your sense of humour. Once you hit upon the right steps, write them down for future use. This will save a lot of time, effort and frustration. Give yourself a gold star for making a positive difference in someone's life.

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Exploring a philosophical question will draw you closer to someone special. You share many of the same concerns. Developing a healthy way of coping will be empowering. It's often overwhelming to contemplate all the troubling issues of life. By looking for small ways to shed light into the darkness, you'll feel empowered. Making a 'gratitude list' at the beginning of each day is a good way to feel better. Why concentrate on what is going wrong when you can focus on your blessings instead?

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You have good instincts about what your partner needs to thrive. Spending some quality time together will strengthen your bond. If you're romantically involved, enjoy attending to each other's sensual desires. Pleasuring your bodies is an effective way to release stress. Are you single? Pamper yourself. Get a massage, pedicure or spa treatment. When you treat yourself well, others will follow suit. Don't listen to a narrow minded relative who is always warning against decadence.

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Make plans for the future with your best friend, business associate or romantic partner. You can achieve great things if you are on the same page. Don't worry if you want different things. Together, you can craft a strategy to meet both these goals. You're incredibly flexible and clever. Use these gifts to build a rewarding life together. Try to blend some play time into the mixture. A relaxing holiday will strengthen your bond, not weaken it.

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Taking up a spiritual practice is strongly advised. You're a very sensitive person who is easily affected by your surroundings. By taking a few minutes each day to become centred, you can avoid a great deal of stress. Gentle stretching, deep breathing and guided imagery are all worthy avenues to explore. You can also recite positive affirmations at the start of each day. When you generate upbeat energy, it can deflect negativity. It's also helpful to surround yourself with optimists and avoid cynics.

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Your creative juices are flowing freely. Take this opportunity to return to a project you abandoned some time ago. You'll be inspired to fix problems that once seemed insurmountable. After talking with relatives, you will be delighted to discover you inherited this artistic talent from a distant family member. It's amazing how these gifts are passed from generation to generation. With a little luck, you'll see a younger member of the clan continuing the tradition. Keep that positive energy flowing.

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Spending time at home will cultivate peace of mind. If you've been anxious, think about cancelling plans to go out. You might benefit more by resting and relaxing in your tranquil haven. Take this opportunity to catch up on your reading, soak in a scented bath or enjoy a refreshing nap. Resist the temptation to check your phone or log into a social media site. You'll be able to catch up on your social life after taking an extended break.

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This is a wonderful opportunity to develop a creative project. Keep a notebook where you can store images, ideas, phrases and melodies that pop into your mind at odd intervals. This treasure trove will help you blast through blocks that held you prisoner in the past. It will also help to devote a set time each day to artistic pursuits. Exercising your imagination on a regular basis will cultivate contentment. There's more to you than your job title.

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If you're looking for work, explore opportunities at a charity. Someone with your managerial skills would be welcome at an office that requires tact. Your ability to get on with people from all walks of life is your strongest asset. Be sure to emphasise this quality during an interview. If you already have a good job, take this opportunity to raise money for a good cause. Tap into that extensive social network of yours for donors. Friends, neighbours and colleagues will be happy to help.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You have an aura of glamour about you. Don't be surprised when lots of party invitations come pouring in. Everybody wants to have you at their table. While it is gratifying to be so popular, you prefer spending time with a select group of friends. An intimate gathering of three or four people will bring out the best in you. A close friend will hear of an exciting career opportunity for you. Be sure to apply for this position. Never underestimate the importance of good connections.

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