
One of the most powerful days of the year the success of a long-term vision starts from here. You're mentally intense and psychologically are craving answers to why you are here on this earth. Your existence puzzles you. So why not relax with friends; dress with a little more whimsy than usual. Yield to an alluring, dreamy appearance to attract admiring glances. Feel free to flirt with abandon, even if you're involved. You're overdue for some electricity - plus it might throw up some answers to your current cerebral obsessions.

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You ooze glamour and sizzle with desire so get ready to rock when it comes to romance. A beautiful gift may arrive early but squirrel it away for Christmas Day. A tribute like this demands acknowledgement but there's a hidden message in the choice. The stars favour plenty of cuddling and kissing with your beloved tonight. And if you've not got one then be the femme fatale or Casanova and you won't be short of would be wooers.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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There's no easy way or time to do something difficult but do it now or forever hold your peace. If you suspect you have a rival in the romantic department, you might be right. But actually is this nature's way of getting you out of a hole? Sometimes events have a way of taking control and I suspect this could be going on in a close relationship. Whatever occurs, at the core of a current partnership something rotten needs eking out.

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A visit to a hospital may fill you with foreboding but actually it is the very best thing. Be careful when negotiating work arrangements or a colleague could come out ahead of you. When in doubt, draw on the talents of a fast talking consultant or adviser. The result of things that happen today could leave more time for leisurely pursuits in the coming New Year. You'll start to see that there's a deeper reason for everything that happens.

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You are more than special, you are unique and it is this that will lead you to your heart's desire. Your creative power has never been more evident; this is an excellent time to turn whatever brings you pleasure into an enterprise. It is time to face the music and dance - metaphorically or literally and the result will be a new Leo star is born. It's no use hiding behind that conventional facade. Even strangers sense you've got the soul of an artist!

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The time has come for you to eliminate the negative from your domestic world or be unhappy. An overwhelming desire to break away from your family is too powerful to ignore. Yes, this impulse may be fleeting, but it's still valid. Do something that sets you apart from your parents or relatives. Rebellion and rebirth is healthy, even for someone like you. Revisit that secret desire inside your soul you've kept hidden from the world.

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Bewitching, tantalising and simply gorgeous that about sums you up now, use it well. That's how other folks see you but an in-depth research project reveals truths about yourself that are difficult to admit. Even a positive person like you had a dark side. The sooner you come to terms with this fact, the easier it will be to connect with people who have confounded you for years. You are entering a psychological testing ground.

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A root and branch clear out of your financial world is the only way to attain prosperity. Your future security demands you change your attitude towards money - the way you earn or spend it. There's no shame in being as rich as Croesus is; just look at the wealthy philanthropists who make a positive difference in the world. The sooner you lose your fear and mistrust of cash, the easier it will be to accumulate wealth.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Taking control of your life is necessary for a happy 2002 so eliminate dependency. You're unusually intense as the Sun connects with Pluto, and may shock people with your passionate expression and attitude. You prefer to adopt a "live-and-let-live" attitude towards the world. This time, however, a fundamental imbalance in energy forces you to take a strong stance. Be warned that obsession, fanaticism and revenge can bring about a terrible toll, so don't abuse the power that lies with you.

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Spiritually you are under nourished so you need to top up your psychic quest for happiness. You're too cautious for your own good; stop overanalysing a situation and just act. If you've got your eye on someone, ask for a date. If your love life has gotten dull, do something that taps into that deep well of passion that lurks within. It's time to eliminate whatever it is in your subconscious that limits and restricts your actions and emotions.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A head to toe makeover will make you the belle/beau of the ball and a magnet for amour. As for the distant future, it may come as an unpleasant shock, but certain dreams no longer hold the same interest or compulsion for you. Somewhere along the line, your priorities shifted. Instead of mourning this loss, look forward to the changes ahead. There's no point in pursuing a goal unless you can put your whole heart and soul into it.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You don't deserve to be unhappy so why be so when by pruning back the deadwood you can be ecstatic? Why keep your true ambitions hidden from the world? Unless you ask you will never get and don't deny yourself success because you think it's being disloyal or greedy. A golden opportunity forces you to come forward and enter an intense competition. Others may underestimate your ability to put your gifts to the test; that's your secret weapon. Show the world what a champion you can be.

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