
This is a great time to attend to small responsibilities and paperwork that usually escapes your attention. The sooner you dispatch these jobs, the happier your employer will be. Resist the urge to heap criticism on those who are not working up to your standards. Falling in love at first sight is a distinct possibility. A person who brings out your protective side could be a great partner for you. If you're already in a serious relationship, find ways to show your devotion to your amour.

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Obey an impulse to treat yourself to the best things in life. Finding a way to expand your education is strongly advised. Going back to the world of study and education will help you discover hidden talents. It will also give you a deeper appreciation for your subject. Work is a source of pleasure. Getting paid to make other people's lives comfortable makes you happy. If you're looking for a job, explore opportunities involving the hospitality industry. You're a natural fit for this field.

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Retreating to a safe, comfortable environment will have a therapeutic effect. You're an adventurous person who enjoys exploring unknown territory. Even a curious individual like you should have a familiar place to recharge your batteries. Seek the company of loving friends and family. If you're single, you'll find love with someone who makes you laugh. It will be lovely to be with a person who appreciates your irreverent sense of humour. Do you have a partner? Cater a romantic outing to your amour's taste.

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Variety is the spice of life, especially when it comes to your leisure time. Taking up a hobby or sport will give you an attractive glow that is magnetic. Find a pursuit that fills you with childlike excitement; it will keep you eternally young. Spending time with family is uplifting and rewarding. It's a relief to talk with people who love you unconditionally. If you want to confide a secret or ask for help, reach out to a relative who has always been sympathetic towards you.

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The best way for you to make money is by finding ways to provide things that are both useful and beautiful to the public. Blessed with unquestionable artistic ability, your handmade items can be sold for a pretty good price at boutiques, markets and craft websites. Making friends with people in creative communities will be helpful. These contacts will tell you the best place to sell your wares. They'll also publicise your work whenever and wherever possible. Who you know is just as important as the work you produce.

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Don't hesitate to push your way to the front of the queue. Even a service-oriented person deserves to be catered to from time to time. Whether you want to win someone's heart, land a job or showcase your artwork, try drawing attention to yourself. Obey an impulse to treat yourself to luxury items. Although you don't feel comfortable with lavish displays of wealth, you do appreciate things that are made with gorgeous materials and exquisite craftsmanship. These treasures will give you years of happiness.

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There's nothing wrong with wanting to escape reality from time to time. Take this opportunity to sneak off to a quiet retreat where you can hear yourself think. The simple act of staying off social media for a prolonged period will rejuvenate you. Your charisma is very strong. Use it to win friends and influence people. A simple smile and a gracious attitude will cause doors to swing open. If you're looking for love, you'll find it with someone who shares your love of art and music.

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Spending time with kindred spirits is empowering. You're an intense person who sometimes feels like an odd duck. Touch base with those who are similarly passionate about their favourite subjects. You may not like the same things, but you'll share the same depth of feeling. Taking up a spiritual practice will keep you grounded. It's hard not to be distracted by a continual stream of advertisements. Whenever you feel the urge to fill an emotional need with material goods, turn your attention inward.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Assuming leadership of a group will be a satisfying experience. Your ability to communicate with people from all walks of life will serve you well. The secret to your success is listening more than you speak. Pay attention to body language, too. This is a terrific time to launch a fundraiser. Your ability to paint a compelling picture of a social need will attract lots of donors. You won't have to exaggerate the situation to change people's minds. The inherent justice of your words will be obvious to everyone.

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Instead of being content with what you have, you'll strive for something better. Pursue a chance to travel, study or write. Although you've always been a diligent person, doing your duty day after day won't allow you to realise your potential. Someone who is impressed with your organisational abilities will offer you a dream job. This position sounds too good to be true, but it is legitimate. You'll enjoy working with creative people who are courteous, thoughtful and considerate. You'll resolve conflicts by compromising, not arguing.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A research project is engrossing. You'll enjoy uncovering information that can be helpful in solving problems. When you reach a dead end, don't give up. Back up and go in a different direction. Eventually, you'll strike gold. Persistence will pay off. A legal matter will be decided in your favour, allowing you to put an exciting plan into action. If you've ever wanted to live abroad, this could be your chance. Be willing to take a leap of faith; you won't be sorry.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Joining forces with an intelligent person will come as a relief. You're tired of shouldering the weight of the world. Sharing the burden will allow you to enjoy more leisure time. It will also give you a deeper appreciation for supportive relationships. This is a great time to apply for a grant, loan or scholarship. Explain how this cash infusion will draw you closer to your goals. Your ability to touch a bureaucrat's heart will turn the tide in your favour.

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