
You may be feeling the effects of overwork so force yourself to take some time off, even if chores are outstanding. Delegating tasks like laundry and grocery shopping to other members of the household will give you the chance to rest and relax. Normally, a dynamo like you is able to do the work of three people and it's this tendency to go above and beyond the call of duty that has taken a toll on your health. Give your body a break.

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Increased responsibilities towards children could be eating up your finances. There isn't a lot of extra money to spend on your own needs. At times like these, you need to be kind to yourself. Make a list of ten things you love to do; you'll find very few involve big expenditures. Devote yourself to one item on the list. Getting into the habit of being kind to yourself will make your family duties less odious.

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You're uncharacteristically downhearted. Perhaps memories from childhood are getting you down. Although there's nothing you can do to change the past, you can take steps to improve your future. Breaking off a relationship with a hypercritical friend or relative may be necessary to your wellbeing. Listening to a constant barrage of criticism makes you feel like you're an infant. Now you're older, you have the power to distance yourself from these comments.

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Transportation difficulties could fill you with anxiety. It's possible a package won't be delivered on time, or you won't be able to make an appointment. Instead of obsessing over the issue, let it go. Accept that things will not always go your way. The moment you do, you will be able to focus on more enjoyable aspects of life. It sounds simplistic and sappy, but it's really the best thing you can do when events spin out of your control.

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Financial limitations prevent you from attending a group function. It kills you to have to decline this invitation, but you're better off staying home than going into debt. Fortunately, you don't have to resign yourself to a lonely existence. There are plenty of people who are willing to hang about the house with you. Ask a neighbour over for dinner, or invite some friends to watch telly with you. It may not be glamorous, but it's better than staring at a blank wall!

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A lack of confidence could prevent you from going after a job you feel is rightfully yours. Stop selling yourself short you have impressive skills that would be an asset to virtually any organisation. If you're uncomfortable getting your ideas across, you may want to take a course in public speaking. You've always been a good student. Promoting yourself is just a matter of learning sales techniques. Instead of widgets, though, you'll be selling yourself.

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Isolating yourself from others is precisely what you should not do today. If you are depressed or lonely, force yourself to attend a social gathering. This will probably be the last thing you want to do, but it will boost your spirits immeasurably. Ask a friend to give you a push. Going to a party could put you in contact with some interesting people who help you to see a difficult situation in a new light. That alone is worth the trip!

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Teaming up with an exalted group for status or money is an exercise in futility; these people are so obsessed with their own fortunes they won't extend any favours to you. Besides, you have much better things to do with your time than hang about with a bunch of snobs. If you want companionship, join a club devoted to one of your favourite subjects. You're sure to find friends who give you a different sort of fulfilment.

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There's a chance you could fall from someone's grace today. An insensitive comment, a hasty decision, or a badly planned move could damage your reputation. If something like this happens, make an immediate apology. Don't palm off the problem on somebody else, and don't assign blame to other members of the team. By taking full responsibility for this mistake, you'll gradually regain this person's respect.

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It may be difficult to gain acceptance to a religious, educational, or cultural institution. This comes as a hard blow, as you've worked hard to meet this organisation's high standards. Try not to take it personally if you don't make the cut. You can always ask the head of admissions if there's anything you can do better the next time around. Sometimes, becoming the member of a group is as simple as submitting several applications.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Debts are weighing heavily on your mind. If you feel as though you're in over your head, you may want to contact a non-profit organisation that is dedicated to reduce credit card costs. Such a group could help negotiate a lower interest rate, consolidate your bills, or even wipe out some of the costs you've accrued. A tax refund, inheritance, or alimony payment could be delayed. Be prepared to cover your bills with some other source of income.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You may feel a bit unpopular today. It seems like everybody has plans that don't involve you. Instead of sinking into a sea of despair, consider why this has happened. Maybe you've been spending so much time on your own that you have fallen off the public's radar. Make more of an effort to connect with your loved ones. This may take a few tries, but it will be worth the effort. In the meantime, attend to household chores that have escaped your attention.

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