
Trust your intuition about a career matter. Just because a job pays well doesn't mean you should take it. Hold out for an opportunity in your desired field, even if it means earning less in the initial stages. You'll get a quick series of raises. A show of compassion will be greatly appreciated. Be patient with someone who can't make up their mind. By asking some probing questions, you'll help this individual discover their true desires. Encourage them to daydream.

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A friend will offer you spiritual guidance. It would be wise to take their advice, since it is geared towards making you happy. Finding a way to make money while travelling the world is smart. Your life will be unconventional but stimulating. Your expert knowledge is needed by a prominent individual. Don't hesitate to charge a good price for your insight. Your experience is worth its weight in gold. When you value your own contributions, others will, too.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You have great instincts about what the public wants. Providing a product or service that makes life more comfortable will be profitable. Modern living can be stressful, so people are willing to pay good money for things or work that soothes the senses. Joining financial accounts will teach you valuable lessons about intimacy. Learn to talk about money without letting emotion seep into the conversation. The more logical your approach, the easier it will be to meet in the middle.

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Valuable knowledge can be gained from a compassionate teacher. Working with a tutor will be a radically different experience from going to school as a child. Don't be surprised when you develop a passion for a foreign culture. A long-distance trip is in the cards. Bringing order to a chaotic partnership is critical. If you're dealing with someone who forgets appointments and deadlines, give them jobs that aren't time sensitive. Offer more compliments than criticisms. This will pave the way for a stronger bond.

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An intense relationship inspires you to make a personal transformation. You're no longer content with second best. Landing your dream job, buying a beautiful home or living in a gorgeous part of the world are among the possibilities. Your partner will give their full support. Treat your body with the respect it deserves. Feeding it nutritious food, taking brisk exercise and getting plenty of rest will yield big rewards. Suddenly, you'll have more energy for the leisurely activities you love.

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Listen to a friend or romantic partner who is interested in the arts. They have great suggestions on what to read, watch and hear. After taking their advice, you'll develop a passion for a writer or performer. Their work will give your life depth. Your creative ability is worth its weight in gold. Think about teaching others about a skill that has become old fashioned. Showing others how to make clothes, build furniture or grow food will be both profitable and entertaining.

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Integrating art into your daily life is important. You're a highly creative person who needs an outlet for your imagination. Being overloaded with responsibilities will make you unhappy. The perfect life/work balance involves more play than labour. A job in the arts is ideal. Creating a household routine will give you more time to practice your art. Delegate tasks to roommates and relatives. If you live by yourself, think about hiring a cleaning service. This will allow you to write, paint or play music in beautiful surroundings.

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Fulfil your desire for romance. If you're single, wine and dine yourself. Treat yourself to a gourmet meal, a new fragrance and a bouquet of flowers. Do you have a partner? Plan a tranquil holiday that helps you both forget the pressures of home. A serious conversation with a business person will be productive. When they realise how determined you are to get ahead, you'll be given a rare opportunity to restore a neglected project that has a great deal of promise.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A family member will ask for guidance. Your sensitive approach to their problem will be helpful. Instead of lecturing them on their mistakes, you'll look for the silver lining to their cloud. This supportive attitude will allow your loved one to move forward. A long-term moneymaking opportunity is worth pursuing. You'll enjoy having a steady source of income. Put a portion of your income into a retirement or savings account. Your nest egg will grow faster than you thought possible.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Taking a short trip for pleasure will be refreshing. Head for a beautiful spot near the water. The sight of a lake, river or ocean will help you to move past a difficult situation; nothing inspires good decisions like moving water. Don't hesitate to assume leadership of a chaotic project. Setting deadlines, assigning jobs and managing the budget will yield remarkable results. You could be given a promotion or decide to start your own business. You're a born leader.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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An imaginative way of making money is worth pursuing. You are a visionary who doesn't like copying tired formulas. Creating something that is fresh and intriguing brings out the best in you. Seek out a silent partner who appreciates your sense of adventure. If you need a good source of income, explore work opportunities at a government agency, hospital or university. Not only will the salary be good, but the benefits will be significant. You'll especially enjoy extra annual leave.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're not interested in carrying out someone else's plan. Launch your own creative project. Don't show your work to anyone else until it's finished. You must be true to your vision. There will be plenty of opportunity for revision later. Let inspiration be your guide. Achieving a childhood dream is a source of pride. Although many people thought you were foolish for pursuing such a whimsical vision, you'll have the last laugh. If you can conceive it, you can achieve it.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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