
You're open to new experiences. When someone offers to take you to an unfamiliar place or introduce you to a foreign cuisine, you jump at the chance. This upbeat attitude attracts a great deal of romantic attention. You'd much rather take a path you've never travelled than stick with the familiar routine. A fellow adventurer may ask for a date. It's fun being pursued for a change. Usually, you're the one who has to make the first move. Most people are too intimidated to approach you.

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You're ambitious, shrewd and organised. So why not plan a fundraiser or campaign for work? If you do a good job, you'll easily land a promotion. Are you unemployed? You could find an excellent opportunity as a liaison to an important executive. Your ability to communicate in a clear, succinct manner will help land this position. Your employer doesn't want to waste time on a lot of idle chitchat. They'd rather give you a brief set of instructions so they can focus on their own duties.

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Studying a subject that has always fascinated you feels liberating. You always hated being forced to take boring classes in school. Now you have a greater amount of control. You're able to pick and choose the course you want. Taking an advanced seminar with a respected expert will be more challenging than you expect. It may be necessary to scale back your social life in order to fulfil your assignments. This will be a refreshing change of pace. Exercise your mental muscles.

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Carrying out plans in secret is a wise idea. You don't want to let rivals know about your dreams. If they get wind of your desire to land a certain job or embark on romance, they'll try to steal your thunder. Are you already in a relationship? A series of intense conversations will draw you closer to your amour. It's time to take the gloves off and discuss something that's been troubling you. Your partner will be surprisingly receptive to making changes to your bedroom routine.

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Learning what makes a romantic interest tick will be an exciting project. Normally, you prefer having your partner cater to your desires. In this instance, you'll feel compelled to wait on the object of your affection. There's something about their offbeat, aloof attitude that drives you wild. At times, you feel like you would jump through hoops to earn their approval. It's not necessary to go to such lengths. It is good to discover their likes and dislikes so you can plan outings that will appeal to them.

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Acquiring specialised skills will improve your job prospects. You may not immediately land the perfect position you are looking for, but that's fine. It's more important to get a steady job right now. After you've paid your dues, you'll be able to climb the ladder of success. If you're happy with your current line of work, think about launching a health regime. Eating a diet primarily comprised of lean protein, whole grains and fresh produce will give you an attractive glow.

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Artistic pursuits take up the majority of your time. You long to exercise your imagination outside of work. Having a project that is your very own will lift your spirits. You'll be able to obey your instincts without fear of offending the public's sensibilities. Don't show your work to hypersensitive people. You're willing to address dark issues in your work. People who look at life through rose coloured glasses won't be able to handle it. That's too bad for them, but it shouldn't stop you.

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You absorb the environment like a sponge. That's why it's important to avoid toxic people and situations. This is a great time to enjoy quality time with your family. Your relatives appreciate your quirks and won't try to change you. This unconditional acceptance allows you to rest, relax and release anxiety. You're tired of explaining yourself to people who find you rather mysterious. If you're estranged from your kin, take this opportunity to build a strong network of friends, neighbours and colleagues.

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Intense curiosity causes you to venture into unfamiliar territory. Some things you learn will be shocking. Be prepared to look at a neighbour or relative in a whole new light. Just because someone lacks formal education doesn't mean they are ignorant. Actually, a person who is self taught may be one of the most talented experts you will ever meet. That's because they aren't bound by stuffy conventions. They've been free to develop theories without the interference of controlling teachers.

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Formulating a budget appeals to your sense of order. You like finding ways to make resources stretch as far as possible. It's easier for you to take risks when you have money in the bank. Don't become overly fond of saving or it will be difficult to enjoy the fruits of your labour. As an Earth sign, you have a deep appreciation of creature comforts. Be sure to treat yourself to the occasional gourmet meal, cashmere sweater or bottle of cologne.

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You're extremely competitive. Testing your ideas against those of a conservative colleague will be exciting. You're convinced you will significantly outperform this rival. Don't make the mistake of cutting corners. You aren't solely being judged on the basis of speed; the quality of your work counts, too. Be as thorough as possible. Concentrate on small details you would usually ignore. You've always been good at attending to the big picture. Steel yourself to address the finer points, too.

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Your vivid imagination helps block out unpleasant situations. Whenever things get stressful at home or work, you retreat to fantasyland. This ability to escape frustrates people who want to get under their skin. No matter what they do or say, you remain impassive. Finally, these tormentors get tired of feeling ineffectual and look for a new target. If you see someone else being bullied, speak up. Few people have your ability to deflect negative comments and bad attitudes.

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