
You'll be expected to preside over a confusing situation. Difficult decisions must be made. Instead of dithering over the circumstances, act with swift precision. Some people will be hurt, but most will benefit from your actions. Later, you'll be able to assist those who were negatively impacted by your choice. Right now, it's more important to cut away the dead wood. If you don't, an organisation that still holds promise will wither and die. It's an unpleasant situation, but one you can handle.

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Things haven't gone your way. Resist the temptation to blame others for this setback. By taking full responsibility for the situation, you'll be able to move past the difficulties and reach higher ground. Being a good steward of your finances is half the battle. Every time you receive money, put a set percentage into a savings plan. Slowly but surely, your nest egg will build. This fund will stop you from getting pushed into tight corners. When problems arise, you'll easily be able to change direction.

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You feel despondent about the future for no good reason. Things have been going well and you're convinced your luck will take a turn for the worse. Adopt a positive attitude as soon as possible. Your upbeat attitude will cultivate creativity. Wonderful ideas start to take flower when you exude optimism. If you're single, an enthusiastic artist will express interest in you. You'll feel an instant kinship. Do you already have a partner? Plan a special outing with your amour.

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Stubborn behaviour has backed you into a corner. It's time to let go of a persistent belief and explore the alternatives. There's no reason you should stay mired in a toxic situation that is compromising your health. Whether you have to end a relationship, walk away from a job or move to another community is immaterial. The important thing is to put your own well being first. You'll suffer a few consequences in the early stages, but you'll quickly realise this new direction was the right move.

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Rationalising bad behaviour will affect your popularity. If you've made a terrible mistake or done something unethical, admit it. Offer a sincere apology. Some people will not forgive you, but most will give you a second chance. At that point, you have to make it your mission to do better. Stop engaging in selfish behaviour that puts others at a disadvantage. Fix problems you've created. Resist the temptation to take the easy way out. Your stature will rise and your reputation will be restored.

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Moving past a difficult situation will increase your confidence. You have an opportunity to explore greener pastures. Instead of worrying about leaving a secure situation, welcome adventure with open arms. You'll be so busy learning the ropes there won't be time to dwell on your old life. Best of all, you'll have the chance to acquire valuable skills. These abilities will pave the way for impressive opportunities. Take a chance. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

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Selfish behaviour will limit financial opportunities. Even if you're struggling for money, you can help others who are in a worse situation. Volunteering at an animal shelter, running errands for a sick neighbour or putting a coin in a parking meter are among the things you can do to improve your luck. When you demonstrate faith in the Universe's abundance, it will reward you with a job, windfall or lottery win. Put your fears aside and be generous. You'll be surprised by what follows.

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Slow down; you're moving too fast. People are pressuring you to make an important decision. Instead of making a hasty choice, take a few more moments to explore the options. All the facts aren't in. Sneak off to a private hideaway where you can hear yourself think without interruption. If you've been yearning to take a holiday but can't bring yourself to pull the trigger, make the reservation now. The necessary funds will arrive when you need them most.

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Losing something valuable is a bitter pill to swallow. After allowing yourself a period of grieving, move on. There are golden opportunities ahead, but you have to have your eyes open to see them. Dwelling on feelings of resentment is a waste of valuable energy. Make a plan for the future that fills you with excitement. This could be anything from taking a trip to enrolling in a course to launching a creative project. Soon, the ache you feel will subside and you'll regain your enthusiasm for life.

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You're in denial about a painful situation. A friend's bad behaviour can't be ignored any longer. You have to confront the situation. If your loved one refuses to get help for an emotional problem or addiction, you have to part ways. The separation may not be permanent, but it will allow you to escape their toxic energy. You work hard to create a life of comfortable stability. When irresponsible people threaten to disrupt the apple cart, you must take action.

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People welcome your clear, precise thinking. They come to you for solutions and you're eager to give them. In the past, you got into trouble for your chilly outlook. When important choices need to be made, your ability to put emotion on the back burner is celebrated, not scorned. A fresh opportunity to travel is worth taking. You'll benefit from a change of scenery. Unfamiliar sights and sensations stimulate your creativity and make it even easier to plot a course.

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You must stay polite no matter how rude somebody is being. Exhibiting grace under fire will earn an executive's respect. You will be offered a raise, promotion, or both as a result of your dignified behaviour. If you've been looking for work, you will land a job as a result of your discretion. Your ability to keep a secret is a bigger asset than you realise. Continue to keep your own counsel and don't discuss other people's private lives.

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