
Your erratic behaviour is creating problems at home. It's important to be consistent with your nearest and dearest. When you promise to attend a child's game or performance, make sure to fulfil this pledge. If your actions don't match your words, people will stop respecting you. Does an adult relative need more help than you are able to give? Instead of placating them with vague reassurances, be honest. It may be necessary to get assistance from a government agency to meet this need.

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A bully will try to bait you with provocative remarks. Let these comments slide off your back. You have bigger fish to fry. By staying calm in the face of hostility, you'll impress someone who needs to hire staff. When you're offered a job, be ready to negotiate a better deal than is initially made. Nothing will be handed to you on a silver platter; you'll have to fight for everything you want. Get ready to bob, weave and punch like a boxing champion.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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A group project has reached the breaking point. Conflicting egos and flaring tempers will make it impossible to bring this project to a successful conclusion. Instead of trying to keep this sinking venture afloat, pour your energy into a more productive channel. A private pursuit will calm your nerves and excite your imagination. It will be such a relief to escape tense discussions and failed negotiations. When it comes to creative projects, the only person you have to satisfy is yourself.

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Rebelling against authority feels like a huge relief. You're tired of going along with a terrible plan that has been promoted by someone in authority. By breaking away from the pack, you'll put yourself in an insecure position. Not having the support of a big company or impressive executive will be scary. It will also be exhilarating. You possess all the leadership ability necessary to launch a successful venture. Take this opportunity to approach potential investors about your brilliant idea.

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Too much work has been piled on your plate. It's time to speak the truth to powerful people, even at the risk of being branded a whistle blower or a troublemaker. It's better to stand up for yourself than endure abuse. In the unlikely event you are dismissed or demoted, stay calm. When your employer realises you are irreplaceable, they'll offer much better terms for your work. At that point, you'll be ready to move to a company that's famous for treating its staff with courtesy and respect.

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Your excellence and precision are threatening to a colleague. Don't be surprised when your rival tries to make you look foolish. Their backhanded compliments and snarky remarks are designed to destroy your confidence. By refusing to take this tormentor seriously, you'll pave the way for future success. An exciting promotion will allow you to leave your competitor in the dust. There's unlimited potential for a person with your abilities. The trick is to tune out the haters and stay focused on your goal.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Someone who is embarrassed by their mistakes will try to blame you for them. Don't let yourself be a scapegoat. Contradict these claims in a public place. Be calm and detailed when defending yourself. By refusing to get upset, you'll convince bystanders you are telling the truth. Some people mistake your kindness for being a pushover. Nothing could be further from the truth. You prize diplomacy and justice equally. When unfairly accused, you'll do everything in your power to set the record straight.

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You're excited to get to work on a creative project, but a colleague will make the process miserable. You're the type of worker who likes to experiment with different ideas to find the right method. Being forced to stop and explain your every step will undermine your enthusiasm. If it's possible, sneak off to a secluded area where you can work in private. Are you being forced to collaborate? Ask this pest to give you a little breathing room. Be polite but firm.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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If you want to get into your partner's good graces, don't come on too strong. The best way to pave the way to a passionate encounter is by expressing interest in your amour's hopes, dreams and fears. Emotional and physical intimacy are closely related. Are you single? Resist the temptation to steer a friendship into romantic waters. This will only cause anger and resentment. You'll meet someone special when you least expect it. You really can't hurry love.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Resist the temptation to come to a relative's rescue. Until your loved one has to accept the consequences of their behaviour, they'll continue to play up. It will be painful to sit on the side while this family member is forced to defend themselves. Stay calm and keep busy with detailed and involved work. By the time you've finished your project your kith and kin will have learned a valuable lesson. At that point, your relationship will get much better. Suspicion will be replaced by trust.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Don't be so quick to make a proposal or estimate. If you're going to bid for a job, it must be worth your while. Double check the cost of supplies and think carefully how long a particular assignment will take. If you don't have any experience in this area, talk to someone who does. They'll tell you whether you are charging enough. Offering bargain basement fees may seem like a smart way to attract business. Once you strike a deal, you'll realise how foolish undercutting prices can be.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Try not to take teasing remarks personally. Quite often, when someone makes a joke at your expense, it's because they like you. Don't automatically ascribe bad motives to the person who is poking fun. If you're really uncomfortable with these remarks, take the comedian aside and politely ask them to stop. You don't have to make a big production of this talk. Simply explain how their comments make you feel. Confess to being oversensitive if you want. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.

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