
A positive attitude is the best defence against setbacks. Just because one door shuts it doesn't mean all other entrances are blocked. Give yourself space to breathe and reassess your options. Be forthcoming about the difficulties you face. Someone who is in a position to help could come forward and offer a solution to your problem. It may take longer than expected to reach your goal, but that's all right. Once you adjust your focus, you'll stop worrying and start having fun.

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It is within your power to transform a toxic organisation into a beneficial one. Get together with people who share your concerns about how resources are being allocated. By building a plan to redistribute this money, you'll get the backing you need. Soon, you'll be able to put enough pressure on the powers that be to change the way the system operates. Instead of serving a select few, this group will be able to help a great many people. The whole community will benefit.

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Investing more energy in a close relationship will pay off handsomely. It's difficult for you to focus on one person for an extended period of time. This isn't because you are fickle; it's simply because you want to explore as many different points of view as possible. When it comes to your career, it's important to establish your loyalty to an influential leader. By letting this executive take you under their wing, you'll be able to land bigger and better assignments.

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Streamlining your work space will boost your productivity. You have a tendency to hoard things for sentimental reasons. Knowing the difference between keepsakes and clutter is critical. Throw away anything you haven't used in over a year. Stow files into clearly labelled boxes. Choose a few cherished items to be framed or displayed throughout your office. The rest can either be discarded or moved back home. It's hard to be efficient when you can't easily find the resources you use every day.

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Go ahead and bask in the spotlight. Your recent creative achievements have attracted lots of publicity. It feels wonderful to be praised by people you respect. After you enjoy this acclaim, you'll be eager to start a new project. Don't suppress an impulse to explore a dark subject. Dealing with taboo matters will give your work an intensity that is compelling. Some people will appreciate your bravery while others will denounce it. Instead of trying to control public opinion, listen to your inner voice.

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Your mind is brewing with all sorts of wonderful ideas. This is a terrific time to make a plan. Instead of trying to launch three projects at once, choose one that speaks to your heart. You'll get a lot of support from people who also feel strongly about this issue. Creating a beautiful public gathering space, making information more readily available and expanding resources are all good avenues to explore. It's easy to feel alienated in this technological age. Find ways to bring people together.

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Satisfying your physical desires is your first priority. You're tired of pretending you are indifferent to love and affection. If you have a partner, make some bold overtures towards them. Be persistent if your initial attempts are brushed aside. You can be very convincing when you want something bad enough. If you're single and looking for love you could find someone at an educational, cultural or professional establishment. You'll feel an immediate connection.

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You're highly energetic and competitive. People should think twice before trying to impede your progress. Instead of politely asking them to step aside, you'll just steamroll over them without a second thought. It's nice to see your passion for life returning. You're happiest when you have a clear goal in mind. Whether you want to win someone's heart, secure a position in an exclusive club or land a rewarding job is immaterial. You will reach your goal through sheer willpower.

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Retreating to a private hideaway will make your spirits soar. You're happy to help others, but being at the beck and call of people can be draining. Take this opportunity to rest, relax and enjoy your favourite hobby. Simply communing with nature could be enough to restore your equilibrium. Spending time with your pets will also be therapeutic. For you, there's something about the natural world that causes the stress of modern life to vanish. Re-establish this connection now.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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In the past, you've been cautious about trying new things. That is changing. An opportunity to explore unfamiliar territory will fall in your lap. Obey your first impulse, which will be to seize this chance with both hands. Learning a new way to communicate will be empowering and enlightening. You'll enjoy swapping ideas with people from various backgrounds. These encounters will cause you to adopt a more optimistic outlook and ease that cynical feeling you have had about your prospects.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're channelling a great deal of energy into your career. This determination to get ahead will pay off in surprising ways. You might be offered a job with a charity or humanitarian group. Getting paid to help people in need will be rewarding, both financially and emotionally. Alternatively, you could start to sell some of your creative work for a tidy profit. This extra money will cultivate the financial security you crave. Having a nest egg will give you the independence you feel you need.

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It's important for you to get lots of physical activity. Moving your body puts your imagination in motion. Instead of feeling stuck, you'll begin to find solutions to problems. You'll also attract new opportunities. You don't have to throw yourself into a rigorous workout routine, but it would help to take a walk at least once each day. Even taking a brisk stroll around the block can improve your outlook tremendously. What seems like a chore could become your favourite part of the day.

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