
You don't mean to be irritable and insensitive to others but you are growing annoyed with the way someone expects to have their own way most of the time. You're tired of having to put their needs first. In addition to this, the pressure of work is getting to you.

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You wonder if you are ever going to be able to get through everything you are supposed to do. It is becoming apparent that most of your time is now being given to a situation you volunteered for, that you now have cause to regret.

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Take a practical approach to matters which call for a big decision. Having to make this choice will cause you some anxiety and you will wonder whether you are doing the right thing. Allow common sense to be your guide. You are doing your best with the information you have available.

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You aren't happy with things the way you are. Someone close is getting involved in something that makes you uncomfortable. You've ignored this issue for too long already. What some people don't realise is that you are aware of what's going on. You've been waiting until you can cope emotionally, before confronting them and you're ready to do this now.

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A strong feeling that you have made a mistake will lead to a painful analysis of your doubts and uncertainties. You have invested so much into this situation you feel you can't walk away now. It may be necessary to lobby a local authority councillor for their support. You aren't ready to give up on this yet.

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What a partner might see as a necessary expenditure, you will view as an extravagance. Be willing to discuss joint financial dealings. Cooperate in all shared dealings and you will both be happier with the way these affairs are proceeding.

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There are many who are asking why a dispute that has been going on for some time now has not yet been resolved. You will come to negotiations with nothing but good intentions and a desire to achieve the best results for everyone.

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Although there will be moments when you find yourself at odds with someone, you will bite your lips and generally life is harmonious. Avoid taking on too much to please your boss or you will find yourself in a situation where your own professional goals start to recede from the horizon.

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You have the ability to tackle problematic issues in a sensible way so you won't need to rely on anyone else's views or advice. Even so, it will be important to pause and consider what is going on in your life and relationships.

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You may have no choice but to replace or repair a broken appliance. This will cost a lot more than you expected. If you are trying to cut down on your spending, this will come as a disappointment. A generous relative will offer to help out.

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An event or situation will make you quite emotional. It won't be easy to hide your feelings. Someone is waiting for an answer from you. You take this issue very seriously and you will want more time to make up your own mind.

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People will be friendly, but you might prefer to go about your day without having to hear the thoughts, advice and suggestions from those around you. Through sticking to your own devices, you will feel more in control and you will make slow but steady progress.

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