
A conservative attitude towards business will undermine your ability to make money. It's time to take a few risks, even if you will suffer an occasional financial loss. One of your gambles will pay off handsomely, raising your income and professional profile. It will be necessary to overcome an obstacle before reaching a personal goal. Raising money, expanding your education or getting an official license are among the things you must do to advance. Attend to this matter first or you will experience more setbacks.

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Dogmatic views are driving people from your door. If you're going to enjoy a rewarding personal life, you must stop pushing your political and social beliefs on others. It's fine to discuss these subjects with people who share them, but give everybody else a break. It won't be possible to take an advanced course. There simply isn't the time or money to take on an ambitious academic programme. Don't despair. You can still expand your knowledge through reading and online tutorials.

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Uncompromising beliefs make it difficult for you to maintain loving relationships. Whenever someone disagrees with you, it's tempting to cut them off. Resist this urge, as it will make you alienated and miserable. Learning the art of unconditional love is critical to your happiness. It's time to abandon a lost cause. No matter how strongly you urge a friend to clean up their act, they will continue engaging in toxic behaviour. Put your relationship on hold until they get help for their condition.

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Are you determined to get your way? Think twice before heaping someone with guilt to get your way. The target of your manipulation will become resentful and your relationship will be permanently damaged. Give people space to make their own decisions. A close relationship requires work. Rather than pouring your energy into work, take time out of your busy schedule for your favourite person. Have a festive meal, go to a sporting event or enjoy a concert together.

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Beware of making a mountain out of a molehill. If a colleague fails to reach their objectives, it's none of your business. Let your employer deal with the problem. If your fellow worker's ineptitude has made more work for you, ask for a raise. Overindulging in food and drink will be cause for regret. It's best to have a nutritious meal before attending a festive gathering. You won't be tempted to overindulge when your stomach is full and your energy is high.

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A desire to gamble should be supressed. You're sure to experience big losses if you take an emotional or financial risk. Satisfy your desire for excitement by working on a creative project. Addressing a taboo subject will be lots of fun. If you aren't getting the praise and admiration you desire, stay calm. Lavish yourself with affection. Give yourself a reward for having worked hard on an art project. A new outfit, accessory or status symbol will fill you with pleasure every time you use it.

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Overindulging in food and drink will cause distress. Practice moderation in everything you do. If you're going to a party, eat a nutritious meal before going. This will keep you out of the path of temptation. Your digestive system is delicate; treat it accordingly. Upsetting feelings are a sign you must change course. Stop beating a dead horse. When a relationship or situation isn't working out, let it go. Move to higher ground. Bigger and better opportunities are ahead.

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You're impatient to land a job. While having a paying position is important, you should take steps to ensure your long-term financial security. Earning an advanced degree in a rapidly growing field is strongly advised. Enrol in an academic programme as soon as possible. Don't take a relative or neighbour's support for granted. Before making an important decision that will affect them, have a heart to heart talk. You might discover your plans don't sit well with them. Be willing to compromise.

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You hate being pushed into undesirable arrangements. When in doubt, always listen to your heart. It won't steer you wrong. Your refusal to be manipulated will make you resented by certain relatives. This is unfortunate, but you'd rather be happy than popular. Self-doubt can keep you from trying something new. Let your romantic partner introduce you to an exotic cuisine, different hobby or unusual creative pursuit. Thanks to their encouragement, you'll discover something that brings you great pleasure.

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An impulsive nature will get you in trouble with relatives. Your family doesn't want its routine disrupted. You're determined to pursue a more affluent lifestyle. These differing desires will create a great deal of domestic strife. It's up to you to extend an olive branch. Beware of counting your eggs before they are hatched. A business deal won't be official until both parties sign on the dotted line. Before spending any money, wait until this agreement is official. You don't want to get stuck with a big expense.

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Beware of being too compassionate for your own good. Someone who has noticed your tender heart will ask for a loan. If you give this manipulator money, you'll never see it again. After seeing further evidence of their grifting, you'll be angered. Someone has been taking credit for your work. The sooner you put an end to this situation, the better. Whenever you submit a project, ensure that your name is prominently displayed on it. Sending a group email will remove all doubt about who created it.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You aren't very tolerant of people who are stuck in the past. Promoting progressive beliefs has become something of an obsession. You're determined to create a better world for you and future generations. Forming a political group devoted to your favourite cause will be empowering. Everyone is counting on you to organise a fundraiser or reunion. You simply don't have the time to take on such a tremendous amount of work. Be honest and don't feel guilty if the event doesn't ever come to fruition.

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