
Your personal life is on the upswing, putting you in a good mood. Planning a short trip out of town whets your appetite for adventure. If you're single, you could meet someone special along the way. Keep your eyes open for a charismatic creature with a great head of hair. If you're in a relationship, rekindle your passion for one another. Court your partner like you did in the early stages of your relationship. Even the deepest love needs fuel to keep going.

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Satisfying your own needs makes you more loving and understanding. In the past, people have accused you of being selfish. What they don't realise is that you become demanding when you're constantly waiting on others. By putting your priorities at the top of your list of things to do, you'll be less resentful of friends and family. Feel free to buy yourself a little gift, like a beautiful piece of jewellery or some new clothes for your wardrobe.

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You're determined to get what you want, even if it means getting argumentative. Fortunately, your adversaries admire your feistiness and could give way to it. If you're planning a trip, you could get there in record time. Reuniting with an old friend will trigger memories of a carefree time. Prepare to let your hair down. You'll find yourself acting in ways which surprise everyone, including yourself. Maybe this is a sign you've been repressing your true desires. Get back in touch with your desires.

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You have a good intuition about making money, so if you're looking for a new job, put your feelers out. Someone who works in your desired industry may know of a position that has recently opened. Although you may not have relevant experience, your willingness to learn will turn the tide in your favour. A cluttered home is a sign you're ready for a car boot sale. Getting rid of your cast offs will clear your head and put some extra money in your pocket.

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The weekend is finally here, and not a moment too soon! You've missed the company of friends. Heading out to a big party will recharge your batteries. It could also cause you to cross paths with a flirtatious admirer who is just your cup of tea. If you're single, arrange to go somewhere quiet for a drink or some coffee. If you're already in a relationship, have fun, but don't do anything to hurt your partner. A loyal person like you couldn't live with the guilt.

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The spotlight is on you this weekend. Be sure to look your best at all times, even if you're taking a quick trip to the grocery store. You never know whom you will run into. It's a good idea to keep a supply of business cards on you at all times, especially if you're looking for a job. Your lover could lure you away to a secret rendezvous. Spending some time hidden away from the world will be therapeutic.

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Finding a way to fulfil your spiritual needs is essential. You've always had a love of beauty. Creating attractive settings in public places may be a good way for you to serve mankind. Think about planting a garden in an abandoned alleyway or painting a colourful mural on a crumbling wall. Even cleaning up a trash littered street can make a huge difference to your community. It will also take you out of a boring rut. When you're depressed, helping others is often the solution.

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It's time to get your finances in order. Writing a will, setting up a college fund and planning for your retirement are all good ways to protect your family from uncertainty. You're a very resourceful person, so it may be second nature to put money away for the future. If you haven't made any such preparations, this is an opportune moment to begin. Putting even a small portion of your earnings into savings will add up over time.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A friend, lover or business partner wants to introduce you to a movie, book or foreign cuisine. Fortunately, you've always been receptive to new things. It's one of your greatest charms. If you want to become a member of a club or professional organisation, ask a well connected colleague to write you a letter of recommendation. A word from them will gain you instant admission. Your connection with this group will help you in surprising ways, both personal and professional.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Improving your health regime will make you feel instantly better. You need to adopt a more active lifestyle. Taking more time to prepare nutritious meals will help, too. Right now, it may seem like you don't have the time to take such measures. Once you take the plunge your energy level will rise and it will be much easier to do all the things you want. If you're out of work, relax. You can find a job by going out and socialising.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Normally, you're quite independent, but this weekend you'll feel reliant on a loved one. They know just what to do and say to make you feel good. Lately, you've been worried you have wandered off track. The plans you had as a youngster seem to have evaporated into thin air. You have one of two choices: resurrect your dream or change paths. Either way the results are going to be good for you. It's all a matter of summoning your courage and making some changes.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Staying close to home is your best bet. You've had a busy week and need time to decompress. Don't feel guilty about cancelling plans if you're too tired to go out. Too often, you put other people's needs ahead of your own. Take this opportunity to sleep late, luxuriate in a hot bath and watch a favourite movie. If you have time, try to work in a visit to the gym. Getting some exercise will clear the mental cobwebs that have been accumulating.

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