
You get mixed signals from someone close to your heart, but who keeps knocking you off balance. As an Aries you need to know where you stand. Head games simply don't thrill you but drive you crazy. It's hard to imagine what the future holds for you as a couple when you're in a state like this; I suggest confrontation is in order. Fortunately, you never have trouble getting straight to the point. It's do or die time for this relationship.

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Waves of emotion break over your head, turning you to a mass of quivering jelly. It's hard to handle any pressure right now, especially where your career is concerned. People keep giving you different versions of what needs to be done, and you can't seem to please anyone in the final analysis. On days like these, it's best to keep a low profile and stay out of the way of authority figures or people who know how to press your buttons.

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Seeking the limelight is the last thing you should do; just be helpful to those in need. Unfortunately, some folks may see your motives as being too good to be true. A person with a high degree of knowledge might try to make you feel inferior, or somebody who makes a fantastic promise break them at the last minute. Take everything and everyone with a pinch of salt; nothing is what it seems and the biggest disappointments come from the greatest expectations.

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Dreams about the future will remain just that if you don't start saving money. Although it seems like your budget is stretched to the limit, there are still things you can do to lay and hatch a nest egg. Drop an expensive hobby or habit, or eliminate impulse purchases. Better yet, find a way to earn more money for your services. You shouldn't give your talent away; demand to be fairly compensated for the work that you do, as you are worth the hire for the hours you put into something.

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Coming to terms with your feelings means looking at a loved one in a different light. Although someone does care for you, they may be putting their selfish desires and ego ahead of your own wants needs. Until you're willing to see the truth of the situation, it will be almost impossible to get your demands met. Think about distancing yourself from friends and family on a temporary basis, if only to get your priorities in order - it will help you understand where they're coming from.

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A fear of rejection makes it difficult for you to enter into the social fray. You're terrified of making a blunder, and would rather stay home alone than introduce yourself around. If you give in to these self-defeating feelings, you will miss meeting several people who could be very important to your future. The key to being a good conversationalist is listening to what other people say, and then asking them questions. They'll do the rest.

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It's hard not to make comparisons with other people's success apropos your own. You feel like you've been spinning your wheels, whilst others are sprinting ahead. What you really need is a project that speaks to your heart, one that allows you freedom to create. Following the rules is admirable, but it's not especially inspiring. Once you get involved with an artistic endeavour you love, your enthusiasm will spread to other areas of your world.

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You're incredibly sensitive now, and can't stand to listen to reason. Deep down inside, you know the world is mean, unfair and wrong! If this sentence describes your attitude, you can afford to laugh at yourself. Resist the urge to lash out at well-meaning friends and relatives who are trying to get you to look on the bright side of life. The best thing they can do is to let your self-pity fizzle out.

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Being protective of your desires is a positive idea; don't relay your plans to anyone. At the moment, you need to nurture your thoughts in a safe, private environment. So many fantastic brainstorms have been crushed thanks to idiotic comments. Retreat from the brutalities of the outside world and develop your concepts by yourself. Once they get past the beginning stages, they'll be strong enough to present to the public and hang the critics.

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The company you keep can affect the way you feel about the world. Stay away from users and abusers. Not only will they take advantage but also their predatory attitude could rub off on you. You're a person who has always believed in working for what you want. If you continue to hang out with certain sleazy types, your fabulous work ethic will begin to slip and you can't afford to lose such a precious commodity.

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Trying to accommodate the entire spectrum of your public and personal lives drives you to distraction. It's impossible to do justice to both spheres. Focus now on work related matters, as they are closest to your heart. This doesn't make you a bad person, just a well rounded one. Everybody's priorities change, depending on the situation. Sooner or later you'll be totally wrapped up in something new and different and your present worries will be a thing of the past. So for now go with the flow.

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Boredom is setting in, which makes mundane activities that much more aggravating. You're tired of doing the same thing, day in and day out. The problem is, you're not sure what it is you would rather be doing. Make a list of anything that really captivates your imagination. One or two of your jottings will stand out from the rest, giving you a better idea of where you should be headed. Sort out the wheat from the chaff of your life.

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