
Your good health is governed by how you feel psychologically so deal with unresolved issues now. Relationships are not what they should be, mainly because you have different views to before. Sort out your head and remember work makes a lonely companion. Don't be forced into doing anything that you know isn't good or right for you.

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Something must be sorted out once and for all in your love life or call it a day. The only way to become financially secure is to sit down and create a sensible budget. Your first priority should be to pay off unmanageable debts. This means eliminating impulse purchases entirely. The best things in life are worth the wait. A luxury is even sweeter if it doesn't leave you in hock.

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It's crunch time in a relationship things cannot go on as they are, it's make or break. With the Sun's square to Pluto this is an exacting period in your life, but unless you face up to facts you will continue to bump along the bottom of your feelings always sensing you are second best and never knowing the dizzy heights of being first choice to anyone.

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Your old attitudes went out with the ark its time to modernise your mind or end up out of touch. This is a fair old time to plan a family reunion. If a grudge separates you and your relatives, throw a Œdo' for friends and neighbours. Folks born under your sign need loving companions to thrive. Being surrounded by kind kith and kin works a treat.

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Dependency means someone else pulls your strings until you are financially independent. You don't have the control you want fiscally which can psyche you up the wrong way. Face facts you shouldn't and mustn't ask for loans until you're sure you can pay them off. Lowering your expectations allows you to manage your own resources without being obligated to anyone. Nothing is worth driving yourself deeper into debt.

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Until you eliminate the negative from your life the positive hasn't a hope in flowering. Get a grip on yourself or you could be distracted into wrong doings. What you need is a diversion from boredom. Instead of pursuing an obsession that's getting you nowhere, focus yourself on what is easily achievable. This will allow you to express yourself in a safe way that won't jeopardise your reputation or sanity.

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Something deep in your soul must be gotten out of your system before it tears you apart. It boils down to having faith in what you believe in. If you believe you cannot live without someone or something then you will convince yourself that is so. But once you realise you can be your own person without approval or support from others you'll realise yourself from an emotional prison built on past experiences.

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Awesome stars demand you let go of what's not happening and exchange it for what can be. It's no use pretending that just another day or a little more money will enable you to work things out. Face facts if you are to aspire to better and greater things then you must harness the fates and allow them to pave a golden path for you, to do otherwise means resisting the inevitable and wasting time and money.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A critical day - accept that what was once good has turned bad and it's time to move on. The transformation that began for Sagittarians one and all in 1995 moves a step closer to realisation. If you haven't felt the irresistible power of Pluto then you will as is his wont. When you are driven by compulsive behaviour or act in an intense, unforgiving way then you'll know you are in his grip and need to go through a process of shedding psychologically.

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There's so much more you can have in your life if you broke past constraining ties. You have been trapped by the conformity and thinking of parents or friends, worshipping the same God, voting for the same political party even buying the same newspaper. Stop going through the motions and think for yourself, you have a mind of your own so break free and use it.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Being true to yourself and following a personal passion brings you sweet release. The Sun/Pluto square either makes you bury your head in the sand pushing you deeper into a psychological prison or it is the wake-up call you need to throw off your emotional or sexual chains and declare take me as you find me or not at all. What you see is what you get sums it up nicely, and those who refuse aren't meant to be a part of your world. Good riddance.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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It's a now or never so don't put off what you must do now or forever regret your indecision. A partnership of some nature requires some examination or analysis. If you both assume that everything's fine and dandy you can bet your life that lurking in the subconscious of your affair there is a demon that needs slaying before it drives you apart.

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