
Impulsive behaviour will backfire. When you are faced with a choice, slow down and reflect. Think about how your decision will affect your nearest and dearest. A compromise will serve you and your relationship much better. An encouraging conversation about the future is strongly advised. A selfish desire is rooted in fear. Instead of engaging in a power struggle, think about ways you and your best friend can create a prosperous lifestyle that is mutually satisfying. It can be done.

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Your spiritual beliefs no longer bring comfort. It's time to adopt a different outlook. Do some research into a philosophy that has always fascinated you. There's a strong possibility that you'll resonate with these ideas, even if they seem a little strange at first. When you trust your intuition, wonderful things will happen. Going against your impulses makes you tired, anxious and irritable. That's why it's so important to be attuned to your feelings; let them be your guiding force.

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Problems with a partner's money, insurance or taxes demand your attention. Use your eye for detail to review applications or notices. You'll detect an error that changes the entire situation. When talking to officials, make note of the time, date and person you've contacted. Supress an impulse to overthrow an existing order. Although the current organisation is flawed, it does create security for the most vulnerable members of the group. The best way to improve its performance is to work with the institution, not against it.

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Taking responsibility for your life will be empowering. The moment you stop worrying what other people think, the faster you will realise a personal goal. Owning a home, living in a foreign country or starting a family are among the exciting possibilities. Using unfair means to gain influence will backfire. If you're going to be successful, you must do so through hard work and excellence. Someone who recognises your talent will give you a job, promotion or honorary role.

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There's serious work to be done regarding your health. Spending hours sitting can inhibit your natural vitality. Get into the habit of taking a brisk walk every two hours. Instead of being consumed by sleep at the end of the day, you'll feel refreshed. Resist the temptation to condemn others for their beliefs, no matter how offensive their attitudes are. By meeting hateful remarks with a compassionate silence, you'll notice a change in their tone. Angry people only become even more defensive in the face of disapproval.

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Stop suppressing your creative impulses. You've always been a diligent worker. The world won't fall apart if you take time away from your duties for the sake of fun. Spending a few hours on your favourite hobby, sport or artistic medium will bring great happiness. You don't have to resort to underhanded means to make money. The Universe is endlessly abundant to people who believe in its bounty. Instead of thinking you can only succeed by undermining others, take a more consensual line.

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Mysterious circumstances surround your family. Getting to the bottom of this matter won't help you. If you're going to fulfil your potential, you must take the power of the present moment. Stop using the past as an excuse for failing to reach certain goals. You've been blessed with tremendous creative ability. Pursuing a life in the arts will bring out the best in you. Your nearest and dearest may not approve of your dream, but they shouldn't have a say in your decision. Seek to satisfy yourself.

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Instead of trying to create problems for enemies and rivals, try improving your own prospects. This could involve anything from taking a course to making your very own a wish list to taking a trip for pleasure. The only person whose behaviour you can control is your own. Arguments with colleagues will reflect badly on you. If your work situation will improve, you must be a good team player. Find ways to put your differences aside for the sake of productivity. Avoid contentious subjects like the plague.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Clinging too tightly to money will make you miserable. Although cash can give you access to many wonderful things, it cannot buy love. Get into the habit of giving thanks for friends, neighbours, colleagues and relatives who bring you joy. These relationships will lift your spirits, making it easy to handle challenges. When you are conscious of being loved, you become a magnet to prosperity in all forms. Best of all, your creativity soars. After spending time with your favourite person, you'll be inspired to write or perform.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Someone who is determined to impose their way of life on you should be avoided. Don't feel compelled to take their calls or give them much of your attention. By keeping your tone polite but brisk, they'll look for another target. If you're dealing with a relative, there's no need to pretend that you share their philosophy. Gently explain you have different views that you would rather not discuss. By sticking to this technique, they'll gradually accept that you cannot be converted.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Secret enemies are causing problems for you. Be more selective about your confidantes. The less casual acquaintances know about your dreams and desires, the easier it will be to achieve your goals. A tighter social circle results in increased focus. Beware of giving sarcastic responses to questions. People who are seeking information are being genuine. Mocking their quest for knowledge will make you appear petty and mean. Think of your most helpful teachers. Were they respectful or derisive? Follow their example.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Financial losses will occur if you continue to go out to expensive engagements with friends. It's possible to have an active social life without spending lots of money. Begin by hosting some 'bring a dish' dinners. Ask each guest to bring their favourite treat. When you're surrounded by people who lift your spirits, your income will soar. Have your loved ones been dragging you down with negative talk and gossip? Seek the company of optimists. Their infectious attitude will greatly improve your moneymaking ability.

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