
You're impatient with your family. Everyone wants to maintain the status quo except you. Exploring new horizons appeals to your pioneer spirit. Unfortunately, your loved ones have every intention of staying put. If you're going to have an adventure, it will have to be alone. This isn't the best time to venture into unfamiliar territory. Humour your relatives and stay around for a little longer. Helping around the house will keep you busy until an ideal travel opportunity arrives.

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Working by yourself feels alienating. Instead of dwelling on the unfairness of the situation, make the best of it. Being by yourself will allow you to put creative touches on your work. You don't have to worry about an annoying micromanager interfering with your methods. It will also be a relief to escape office politics. You have to admit it is nice not having to listen to people sniping about each other. Attempts to get a raise or a promotion will fall flat. Continue to keep a low profile.

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A friend will tell you about a job opening at their company. This lead will turn into a dead end. Don't set your hopes on this possibility. Instead of looking for another job, concentrate on fulfilling your duties. Tempers are running high. The last thing you want is to catch the attention of an irritable superior. If someone does criticise your work, remain silent. These remarks may be terribly unfair, but defending yourself will only make the situation worse. Breathe deep. This, too, shall pass.

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A changing of the guard will put you at a disadvantage. The new leader won't think much of your talent. Their work style is more erratic and impulsive. Before you tackle a job, you prefer doing research, gathering materials and creating a timeline. Although this approach is effective for you, it bothers your superior. This may be a sign you should move on to greener pastures. It will take time to find a position worthy of your gifts, so be patient.

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Resist the temptation to discuss controversial subjects like religion and politics in mixed company. People hold their beliefs dear and do not like to have them challenged. You don't want to offend someone on whom you must rely. Maintaining good relationships with relatives, colleagues and neighbours is critical to your success. You may be highly capable, but you're not able to do all the work on your own. Being a team player means cultivating a friendly environment. Don't rock the boat.

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A financial shortage will force you to do some last minute scrambling for funds. Stay calm. The necessary resources will become available at the critical moment. Other people who are affected may panic. Do not be swayed by their dramatic behaviour. By acting like the eye of the storm, you'll be able to handle challenges with a minimum of stress. It's hard to make good decisions when you're panicking. Do yourself a favour and stop envisioning the worst case scenario.

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You are tired of dealing with an uncooperative person. Instead of bending over backwards to meet their needs, proceed without their permission. You'll be able to meet your goals in half the time it normally takes. Some collaborations make life easier and others impede progress. You're dealing with the latter scenario. Think about breaking off this relationship. You'll be amazed how far you can go without having a lead balloon weighing you down.

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The sudden loss of a job is demoralising. Try not to take it personally. Although looking for a new position will be inconvenient, it will ultimately pay off. Explore opportunities involving caring for others. Working for a vet, hospital or homeless shelter are among the possibilities. If you're a good cook, apply to restaurants and catering places. Being able to put your heart into work will make you much happier and your loved ones will notice an immediate improvement in your mood.

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Don't let a romantic infatuation sap your energy. There are a lot more interesting ways to spend your time. You've been blessed with a sense of adventure. Feed it by taking an exciting trip. Visiting a place that is off the beaten path will put your obsession in its proper perspective. At first, it can be fun chasing someone who plays hard to get. Eventually, the game gets boring. Set your sights on someone who is interested in a relationship, not a power play.

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Family life has become disruptive. You may not be able to count on your domestic partner to attend to chores. As a result, it feels like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. Before succumbing to pressure, take a deep breath. Whittle down your list of things to do to the bare essentials. Make time in your busy schedule to sleep, eat well and relax. Others might think you're fiddling while Rome is burning, but you're really recharging your batteries. Be good to yourself.

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Anxiety is causing your mind to race. At times like these, it can be helpful to turn your attention to calming thoughts and activities. This can include anything from saying a prayer to stroking a pet to repeating a mantra. It can be helpful to have a list of these 'Go To' diversions ready. Being able to quickly redirect your energy will be empowering. It's time to free yourself from the prison of self defeating thoughts. Nothing attracts good fortune like a positive attitude.

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Splashing out on luxuries won't fill the emotional void inside you. The reason you feel deprived is a lack of creative activity. You're an extremely imaginative person. When you're not engaged in artistic pursuits, you become restless. It's easy to confuse this feeling as material deprivation. Actually, the quickest way to satisfy your hunger is to take up a pen, paintbrush or hammer. Make something beautiful. Before you know it, you'll cultivate a sense of contentment that keeps anxiety at bay.

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