
Don't take work offers for granted, even if they seem beneath your ability. If you demonstrate a willingness to perform small jobs, bigger and better ones will present themselves. In the meantime, don't be afraid to ask a friend for help with acquiring new skills. What begins as a student-teacher relationship could blossom into a romance. In the event you've already got a lover, you may want to spend some private time with your beloved.

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This is definitely not a good time to take emotional or financial risks. Although the circumstances seem perfectly safe, there are factors hidden from view. Don't confess your passion or invest your hard-earned money for another week or so. In the meantime, you may want to clear the air with a close associate. This is a wonderful opportunity to straighten out any misunderstandings that have undermined your relationship. Be honest but tactful.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You're not feeling terribly motivated today, which is understandable. Usually, you operate at three times the level of your friends and colleagues. Nobody will think less of you for taking a break. If fatigue has become an ongoing problem, you may want to reconsider your diet. Lean protein, fresh fruit, and green vegetables can boost your energy and keep depression at bay. It's a change that will improve your emotional, physical, and spiritual health.

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If your motto is 'it's my way or the highway,' you've got to make some changes. While it's true you've got great instincts, you need to temper them with compassion. If that means letting others work at a reduced pace, so be it. You must admit that nagging others is draining. The next time you feel the urge to criticise or offer advice, channel your energy towards a creative project. Relinquishing control feels liberating.

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Avoid unnecessary extravagances, especially if you're already in debt. Although you hate denying yourself creature comforts, it may be necessary today. Instead of wasting your hard-earned money on baubles, create a sensible budget. Putting a set percentage of your income into savings can turn the financial tide in your favour. Continuing along your current path will only lead to more trouble. An unusual work assignment can replenish your bank account.

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While your contributions are undeniably valuable, they don't make you all-powerful. Keep this in mind when working on a group project. Letting a talented peer take centre stage is a good strategy today. Your humble attitude will demonstrate your ability to be a team player. Of course, there's nothing wrong with brainstorming with colleagues. You may have to compromise your vision, but the financial benefits will be well worth it.

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Listening to sob stories could be a drain on your financial and emotional resources. If a friend or relative asks you for help, refuse politely but firmly. You have better things to do with your time than listening to their excuses or handing out your hard-earned cash. Although your attitude may seem cold, it's really a matter of self-preservation. Sensible people will back up your decision to distance yourself from emotional vampires.

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Going along with the crowd isn't a good excuse for engaging in bad behaviour. Stand up for someone who is being bullied, or the same thing could happen to you. Your direct way of speaking can drive sense into an irrational instigator. True, you may not be the most popular person today, but your brave stance will cause your star to rise later on. Meanwhile, an unusual love match could be heating up; stay tuned!

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You may wield power now, but keep in mind that the situation could soon change. Therefore, it's a good idea to make friends with people at all levels of the organisation. The more support you have from others, the harder it will be for rivals to unseat you. If you're currently butting heads with an authority figure, make a strategic retreat. You'll gain the upper hand by exercising patience.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It's hard to accept political and religious viewpoints that differ from your own. Rather than get in a heated argument, though, you're better off staying quiet and listening to the opposition. You won't change your mind, but you will get a stronger sense of where you stand. An insightful friend can teach you valuable strategies for dealing with mixed groups. It's better to be tolerant than cut yourself off from society.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Shared finances can be a source of stress today, as you both have different ideas about spending. Instead of issuing blame, devise a strategy that will meet both of your primary concerns. Satisfy the saver's concerns by putting a set amount of income into a retirement fund on a regular basis. Meet the shopper's needs by giving them a certain amount of money to spend whatever way they chose. A compromise is possible.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Taking a romantic or business partner for granted is a mistake. If you sense some animosity growing between you, make an extra effort to recognise all that they do. Even the smallest gesture needs to be acclaimed. As soon as you start highlighting everything this person does well, they'll improve their performance in other areas, too. It's a winning strategy for you both. If you're single, be a little more compassionate towards suitors.

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